Monday, 14 February 2022

What Will It Take?

  Serious question...what will it take, what line will have to be crossed for you to stop supporting this "truckers convoy"? I ask because from my point of view it should have been a few weeks ago. Forget about the swastikas and confederate flags. Put aside the placards about trans people and LGTBQ. Which should have been enough on day one by the way. What is your line in the sand?

  Remember three months ago when everyone was talking about our veterans and the sacrifices they made for us and how much respect we have for them? Some of these same people used the National War Memorial as a public bathroom!! Is there anything more disrespectful? Maybe dancing on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?? That's got to be close. Yet people within my own family and some friends continued to support these people. 

  Disrespecting the vets didn't do it what about arson? Two protesters went into an apartment building, started a fire close to a wall, and on their way out taped the door handles so no one could get in or out. Families, children, people with disabilities, the elderly all live there. These "freedom fighters" were okay with them all burning to death. What other conclusion could you draw from that? Don't believe me? There is video! They didn't even try to hide their faces. That isn't enough to change your mind?

  How about a woman walking home from work, and being threatened with sexual assault if she doesn't remove her mask? You must have a daughter, sister, cousin, friend, or niece. What would you think if that was her? Would that make you think twice? What if they just ripped it off her face without the verbal threat? Could you live with that? Apparently you can.

  The latest threat is protesting in front of schools. Horns blowing. People yelling. Children being confronted for wearing masks. How's that affecting your support? Terrorizing kids in a place they are supposed to be safe. You ok with that? It's already happened. Why? Because you continue to turn a blind eye to their terrorist tactics. 

  It's obvious these "freedom fighters" are emboldened. You have made them that way. Your unwavering support has given them the courage to do something even more reprehensible. Every time you post on social media a complimentary article you give them power. And they take that as permission to push boundaries even farther. Cause you told them you are ok with everything they have done so far. Congratulations you've made a difference in our country.

  I ask again...what is your breaking point? If the previous two weeks' events haven't changed your mind will anything?  If this gets violent, and it very well might, will someone dying be enough? 


Friday, 11 February 2022

Occupational Musings

  Hey! I know I know I've been MIA for 7 months. Let me assure you it is NOT because I suddenly had nothing to say. Quite the opposite. I think I had too much. But the old "who will this anger" came up so often I knew I must take a break to remember why I started this little life memoir. If I was worried about who would be mad at my opinion instead of actually giving them then why bother. So I stopped. 

  But now I feel refreshed. Invigorated. Ready to anger the masses if need be. In later posts, I may catch you up on a few things that have happened but today I'm going to focus on the here & now. Lord knows there is enough going on to keep me busy. Let's begin...

  What started out as a protest of vaccine and mask mandates by some truck drivers, more on that lie later, is now occupation of the nation's capital! Do not let anyone fool you. It's an occupation. Citizens are terrorized, bullied, scared to leave their homes, threatened with physical and sexual violence if they do not do what the "protestors" want them to do. If it was in any other place in the world we would call it just that. An occupation. 

  Businesses are closed and will remain so in the foreseeable future. People will not be getting paid making rents harder to meet and less food in the fridge. Making life a little more difficult during this ongoing pandemic for those who have had it rough for almost two years. And the protesters say they will remain until the federal government does away with ALL restrictions. Yeah...that is never ever going to happen.

  Almost all of the restrictions and health measures put in place are done by the provincial governments. Not the feds. Ottawa is Canada's capital city, not Ontario's. Or Alberta's. Or Manitoba's. Why come here to have restrictions lifted? Don't you realize PM Trudeau doesn't have the authority to do it? Basic civics people.

  One of the few mandates the feds could change is the need for travelers to be vaccinated to return to Canada or isolate for 10 days. Now let's remember this "protest" is supposedly about vaccines for truck drivers carrying supplies from the US to Canada. Maybe the feds should remove that mandate. But wait. The United States have their own rules and one of them is that ALL people crossing the border be fully vaccinated. Including truck drivers! If PM Trudeau changed it this second Joe Biden sure as hell isn't going to! 

  Remember when I said this protest was started by truck drivers? According to the Trucker's Union, approximately 90% of all drivers are doubly vaccinated. And they are working right now keeping the supply chains open so you and I can eat, buy clothes, and renovate our basements. Wait a second, if the truckers are vaccinated and working who are these people disrupting the lives of downtown dwellers?

  We know that the Proud Boys, who are listed as a terrorist organization in Canada, are here. Confederate flags are flying and since that is a US symbol of racism we must assume those waving them are from a racist group of some sort. Swastikas have been seen on multiple occasions. That brings in the neo-nazi groups. Placards against the LGTBQTrans community are common. Are you seeing a trend? Yes, there may be a few truck drivers but they have been infiltrated by hate groups. Overtaken even. And whatever message they might have wanted you or the government to hear has been overshadowed by these hangers-on. 

  I am all for peaceful protests. It is part of living in a democracy. A necessary part. But holding a million people hostage till the government caves to your demands is not peaceful and certainly not Canadian. Sigh...apparently I am wrong on that last one.



Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

 Remember that Sex & The City episode Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda? That phrase, from season 4 episode 11,  keeps jumping into my brain whene...