Wednesday 27 April 2022

The Kernick Life Reno Edition

  As some of you may have noticed I have not been writing much lately. I found I needed a break as my life seemed filled with more negativity than I was comfortable with. I had hoped that in sharing the daily turmoils I would be free of them. Well, at least free-er. But that didn't happen. In fact the opposite did. I dwelled. I ruminated. Like all things that don't work out, it's time to start fresh. With that in mind...

  Welcome to The Kernick Life Reno Edition. If you know me at all or read my blog for the past 5 years, you'll know we are in a constant stage of renovation. It never ends and won't for the foreseeable future. So why not combine my love of writing and my experiences renovating! I should warn you it's not going to be pretty. Doing all the work yourself on a very, very tight budget, with your spouse (!) is never easy. And while progress is slow there is progress.

  I'll begin the journey tomorrow. Right now I need to get this drywall dust off my clean sweater. Before you ask, no I wasn't sanding something, it's just everywhere.



Too Cheap To Be True Answered

 A few months ago I wrote about a Carnival cruise we had booked that was so cheap it was Too Cheap To Be True. I meant to come right home an...