Friday, 12 July 2019

Don't Call Me I'll Call You

  We all get robocalls and telemarketers trying to sell us duct cleaning services or free vacations from airlines we've never traveled on. I get them every single day. Even on my cell phone. That lady who speaks Mandarin when you answer is pretty common on my cell. But today something weird happened. Weirder than normal that is. 

  At around noon today, my home phone rings and it's a number I don't recognize. My son's phone battery was low and I thought maybe he borrowed a classmate's to call me. It's happened before. But the woman on the line wasn't school aged. She was elderly and fragile sounding. Trying to sound as courageous as possible she demanded to know who I was and why I kept calling her.

  Over the last three days, she has received several calls per day from my number. Most of the time no one is on the line. You know, that pause when it is a "spoof" call by a computer. But other times it was a person who asked her questions she couldn't quite make out. And it scared her. While she was trying to be brave when speaking to me, as soon as she understood I wasn't the culprit her entire demeanor changed. She allowed her fear to come to the surface.

  Imagine being elderly and alone and getting these calls. Over and over and over again. She did write down the number and call it several times, never getting an answer till this morning. When she did finally get someone to pick up she started unleashing her anger at me. That didn't last long when she was met with understanding and concern. In fact, she apologized for being nasty initially. I felt bad for her. I really did.

  Normally this would be the end of it. But two things really bothered me. One, of course, was her uneasiness and fear. It was tough to hear in her voice and the sound of tears was sad. The second was how did these scammers keep using my number. Over and over again to the same number. That was something new.

  I did call my phone company and explain what had happened. They had no explanation as to how my number could keep being used. It was a new phenomenon to them. And they honestly said theses telemarketing/scammers technology was ever changing and they couldn't keep up...not with the phone system at least. Internet security is their number one priority. As it should be.

  Hopefully that lady has no calls today. Fingers crossed she isn't scared when the phone rings. And let's all pray that these companies find real work and stop harassing innocent people. Especially the elderly.


Saturday, 6 July 2019

Pete 2020

  About three years ago I was having a conversation with friends about US politics and who was the "heir apparent" since they seemed to finally be running out of Bushes and Clintons and Michelle Obama had zero interest in running for President. I told them to remember the name Cory Booker because he was going Smart, strong convictions, a fantastic orator. He was, and is, extremely impressive. By far my favorite for a 2020 run for president at the time. And then.....

  Fast forward two years and one day on The View I listened to a young man speak. He was thinking about running for president. A Rhodes Scholar, a Navy Intelligence Officer and Afghanistan War veteran all by the age of 37. Two terms as Mayor of South Bend Indiana who just happens to speak five or six languages and is a pianist...pretty impressive I thought. 

  He talked about what his United States would look like. Healthcare for everyone and a better education system. Transgender people back in the military. Foreign policy based on diplomacy not threats of war. A sensible, well thought out, intelligent plan to bring the country back to normalcy.

  This young man wasn't boisterous and spoke evenly and clearly. You could tell he didn't speak without thinking and that the words he used were what he believed. There was no arrogance or attitude. Just self-confidence. Quite refreshing compared to their current leader. 

  While others spoke about taking away student debt and universal drug plans with no way to pay for it, he took a more measured approach and had ways to lessen costs to make things more affordable. A much-needed dose of reality. All of these things added together made him a serious contender before he even decided to be one.

  By now you know this impressive man is Pete Buttigieg. You've heard the name. Everyone can pronounce it now. He's been center stage in the first debate and is raising money hand over fist. Town halls and CNN interviews are the norms. His face is everywhere. And his popularity is increasing.

  Being Canadian I don't get a vote in US elections. If I did Mayor Pete would be my first choice. He speaks about his faith, uncommon for Democrats, and does something 99.9% of all politicians would never ever do...take responsibility when he thinks he has done something wrong! How refreshing is that??

  And it doesn't hurt that his husband is absolutely delightful!


Women Behaving Badly

  One thing Donald Trump has done better than any other person in the last two years is to make women look bad. Awful in fact. He is surrounded by what I would have, under different circumstances, considered intelligent professional women. Instead, they have ruined both their personal and professional reputations beyond repair. Some better hold on to their jobs for as long as possible because it won't be easy to find another.

  Look at Kelly Ann Conway. She is....well indescribable. One lie after another. Defending her boss by attacking other women's credibility. Claiming the sexual assault allegations by over a dozen women are fake and based on jealousy and greed. A disgrace to her gender is where I would begin to describe her. She is the Queen of double standards and the Pope of double talk. I don't know how she can look at herself in the mirror every day. It's disgraceful.

  Sarah Sanders is worse than Mrs.Conway. And that's saying a lot. Her greatest talent is lying with a straight face and calling people out who dare to say she is doing just that. It looks great on a resume I suppose. My biggest problem with her is the arrogance and disdain she displays for the press. As the "press secretary" these are her people. Her purpose. Her reason for employment. Yet she treats them like dirt beneath her shoes which she looks down her nose to even acknowledge. I hope she saved some of her salary cause it's not going to be easy to get another job.

  Betsy DeVos, who is in charge of the education system, is an embarrassment to all women. Listening to her talk about public schools being in good order when none of her kids ever saw the inside of one is painful. And her speeches about student debt not being debilitating comes off as comical when you consider she graduated not owing a dime thanks to her rich parents. She is okay with teachers having guns in classrooms. Can you imagine that? In some of those public schools she talks about? Please go back to your private schools. I'm sure you will get the reception you seem to feel you deserve.

  And the worst of the entire bunch is Ivanka Trump herself. She sells shoes and dabbles in real estate in the family business and that qualifies her to sit in on a G20 meeting? Like her father, she has no political experience and no foreign policy expertise and little ability to speak to those who do. She comes across as vain, ignorant and self-absorbed. Not to mention ill-informed. Mrs. Kushner is out of her depth and shows it. Advising the President? On what? She of all people could have told him he needs a tailor and a back brace to stand up straight. She didn't even get that right! 

  I've on purpose left FLOTUS out of this. Her I'm still not sure about. She is either very self-aware and says/does things to make her own private digs to her orange husband. Or she is totally oblivious to the hypocrisy of her family. When I figure that out you'll be the first to know.


Tuesday, 2 July 2019

A Little Parental Bragging

  There comes a point in most parents lives when they realize their "baby" is no longer completely dependant on them. For us, we've been trying to raise independent and inquisitive young adults. It looks like we have succeeded.

  Riley spent a week in England with his father but for ten hours a day he was on his own. He not only found ways to keep busy watching UK Netflix but explored the local area as well. His days were filled with mild adventures of his own making and the difference in him upon returning home was visible. He seemed to just know he could take care of himself in a whole new way and his new found confidence from that is ever-present. It suits him.

  Alex, who is no stranger to traveling on his own, has once again gotten himself from point A to B without a care in the world. Changing planes and grabbing cabs is second nature to him now. The confidence in himself and how to figure things out gets stronger and stronger. In all aspects of his life. It makes me quite proud.

  But it's not just the away from home adventures that we notice. People come to my home and are impressed by their ability to hold a conversation. Both boys. Alex's love of politics is insane and he is passing some of that on to his brother....for good or bad I'll have to get back to you. They are polite, hospitable and present. All good traits for adulthood. And just like Sheldon Cooper they will offer you a hot beverage.

  I don't like when parents brag continually about their kids. Too much praise can make little I'm-better-than-everyone-else children. And they are not nice to be around. But building confidence is important and I think we've done a good job so far.

  While they aren't perfect, far from it, the best things we have ever done in our lives is to raise these two young men. Let's hope the trend continues.


Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

 Remember that Sex & The City episode Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda? That phrase, from season 4 episode 11,  keeps jumping into my brain whene...