Tuesday 2 July 2019

A Little Parental Bragging

  There comes a point in most parents lives when they realize their "baby" is no longer completely dependant on them. For us, we've been trying to raise independent and inquisitive young adults. It looks like we have succeeded.

  Riley spent a week in England with his father but for ten hours a day he was on his own. He not only found ways to keep busy watching UK Netflix but explored the local area as well. His days were filled with mild adventures of his own making and the difference in him upon returning home was visible. He seemed to just know he could take care of himself in a whole new way and his new found confidence from that is ever-present. It suits him.

  Alex, who is no stranger to traveling on his own, has once again gotten himself from point A to B without a care in the world. Changing planes and grabbing cabs is second nature to him now. The confidence in himself and how to figure things out gets stronger and stronger. In all aspects of his life. It makes me quite proud.

  But it's not just the away from home adventures that we notice. People come to my home and are impressed by their ability to hold a conversation. Both boys. Alex's love of politics is insane and he is passing some of that on to his brother....for good or bad I'll have to get back to you. They are polite, hospitable and present. All good traits for adulthood. And just like Sheldon Cooper they will offer you a hot beverage.

  I don't like when parents brag continually about their kids. Too much praise can make little I'm-better-than-everyone-else children. And they are not nice to be around. But building confidence is important and I think we've done a good job so far.

  While they aren't perfect, far from it, the best things we have ever done in our lives is to raise these two young men. Let's hope the trend continues.


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