Sunday, 29 March 2020

Stay Home

  Stay home. Two small words. No hidden meaning. Just stay home. So why in the hell are people not understanding it? Is it really too much for people to comprehend?

  Ok, ok, sometimes we are given instructions that are hard to follow. Have you made anything from IKEA? Yeah it isn't always plain and simple. But these are. Do not leave your house. Don't visit your grandma. No playdates. Dinner parties are canceled. Stay home.

  Absolutely go to the pharmacy to get your medication. Maybe call them first and see if they deliver. They might not have before but desperate times mean desperate measures. Any other time of the year you'd be happy not to have to go out and get them. Enjoy it now if it's available.'s probably free!

  Food is the biggie. We all worry about it, especially now. But just like the pharmacy, there are many ways to get supplies and never leave your couch. Neighbors, delivery services, online ordering with contact-free curbside delivery.  All viable options. But if you believe only you can buy your groceries go early in the morning or late in the evening. Bring some Lysol wipes. Get only what you need and stay 6 feet away from other shoppers. Speed counts. And very nice to the workers. Say thank you. Ask if they are well. Be patient and polite. Without them, we would all be in big trouble.

  We all need to stop this virus. Every single one of us has a part to play. And for the vast majority of us, it is just to stay home. Remember one month ago we were making every excuse in the book to do just that!



Friday, 27 March 2020

Isolation Week 2...School Begins

  Week two began exactly like week one ended...with a whimper. Yup nothing new. Nothing exciting. Happily, we are all still symptom-free! Daily life has taken on a new sort of normal and we are settled into a routine of sorts. 

  The boys are "back to school". This translates to they spend a few minutes reading, speaking french and doing some math each day. Their teachers have been great. Sending emails and using Facetime and Skype to check on them. Trying to keep them engaged. Are they successful? More than you would think! Boredom is a very motivating tool for teenagers apparently.

  Food is the biggest obsession for us. It's strange to live within a 5-minute drive of no less than six groceries and not be able to get food. If I'm honest it's caused me a bit of anxiety. I placed an order six days ago and it is another eight days before pick up! Eight days! In three days we are able to go into the store again so we are not going to starve to death while we wait. But there is something disturbing about fearing you cannot feed your children. Even if it's not the truth. I cannot imagine the real fear that many live with daily.

  The birds are a big source of enjoyment. We don't have any birdseed ( see previous entries/rants about the squirrel invasion) til Tuesday. Then the buffet line will begin again. I was never much of a bird watcher but it's calming so I think I'll continue with it. IF we can figure out a way to keep those damn squirrels at bay.

  Hopefully, your life is as boring as mine is. Right now that is exactly what the entire world needs to be doing. Sitting at home. Watching too much tv. Spending too much time on social media. Having too many snacks. 

  Stay home. Wash your hands. Watch the birds.




Saturday, 21 March 2020

Self Isolation - Week 1

  I've been putting off writing about our self-imposed isolation. One because well nothing is going on as you can imagine. Two I find it hard to not dwell on the ridiculousness of too many people during a time of worldwide crisis. I may have to edit this repeatedly but here goes.

  Doug Ford has shocked the pants off of me. In a good way. Yup, you read that right. I've never been a supporter of his. Quite the opposite. And I still do not agree with the direction he has been taking this province. Yet I find myself nodding my head as he speaks about what they are doing and how they are going about it. I appreciate that he is letting the "experts" speak. It shows confidence I didn't realize he had. I had referred to him as a "good ole boy" in the past and as of this moment that has turned out to be a good thing. We all know that those type of people take care of the most vulnerable first and fight to the death in that effort. I may never compliment him again but for now, he's doing a good job. I might even go so far as to say great. Maybe.

  In only a few short days I've realized how much money we spend...on nothing. Foolish things. Not even just unnecessary items but the stuff we talk ourselves into believing we need. Did you find that too? I've ordered groceries online. Even that bill is lower than normal. Simply because the extras are not in the cart. Those things that sit in the pantry cupboard or at the bottom of the freezer for months, or even years, on end. It's amazing how much money we have when they stay on the shelf.

  Another thing I have become aware of is the number of times per day I touch my face and hair. Don't even get me started on my glasses. I'm not sure I can count that high. Even now that I hear "don't touch your face" a thousand times on the tv, I'm still doing it. I'm almost willing to believe that the more they tell me the more I do it. While typing these last two sentences I've scratched my ear, adjusted my glasses and rubbed my nose. Omg I touched the glasses again!

  With 24/7 coronavirus news, there is one thing I am 100% sure of....I'm forever grateful I was born in Canada and not the United States. Imagine, actually I can't, trying to face this pandemic without health insurance! Imagine the fear. I can't even. It's insanity down there most of the time when it comes to paying for a doctor visit but to be in the middle of this pandemic and have to worry about getting treatment? It's unfathomable.

  And then there is Trump. If anyone ever had any doubt of his arrogance and incompetence now you have your proof. In the middle of a world-wide pandemic he lies. Daily. About very important things. Lies that will kill people. The amount of damage he has done is immeasurable. 

  Finally, the hardest thing to do is stay away from people. Social distancing isn't normally hard for me. In fact I probably enjoy it a little too much. But now that I have to do it...I find I want to be more social. In theory. I'm sure it's just a phase. Just like my kids wanting to go back to school is.

  Look we all dislike what is going on in the world. It's uncharted territory. But we need to behave like we are all infected right now and don't want to give it to anyone else. I read something the other day that puts it all in perspective. Anne Frank and her family spent 20 months hiding in an attic. Never going outside. Not making a sound. We've spent what...six days? And we have internet!

  We need to get over ourselves. And wash our hands. Damn I touched my mouth again!!





Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Goodbye....For Now Mayor Pete

  If you follow US politics, and honestly with the chaos that goes on daily down there how can you not, you know last night Pete Buttigieg stopped his campaign. This should make everyone sad. They finally had a chance to have a qualified person run the country. And they blew it.

  He is smart. Super smart. Oxford and Harvard are his alma maters. He can intake information, analyze it, understand it, ask informed questions then come up with a course of action. Wouldn't that be amazing in a leader? Pete speaks, at least conversationally, eight languages. Eight! Most of us struggle with our native tongue let alone going out and learning Dari and Arabic.

  Speaking of Dari, he put it to good use while serving in Afghanistan. So he's smart and a veteran. The idea of using military force in a region would have different meanings for him than others. Can you imagine the difference in conversations regarding whether military action is needed? Pete's would have more weight as he knows the human side of such decisions. It's a loss for all military members.

  But I would say the biggest loss for the country is his calmness. It was such a stark difference from what the people of the US have become accustomed to. That level-headedness comes from confidence, experience and the ability to accept help when needed. All true characteristics of a born leader in my opinion. None of which they are enjoying at the moment.

  I feel sorry for the people of the United States. They have missed out on what could have been one of the greatest presidencies in their history. Wait a second...Pete is 37. Based on the ages of those left he can run what nine more times? Maybe next time they will have come to their senses. I hope.


Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

 Remember that Sex & The City episode Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda? That phrase, from season 4 episode 11,  keeps jumping into my brain whene...