Monday, 26 December 2022

Boxing Day Plans

 Ahhh boxing day! My favorite day of the holiday season! A day filled with relaxing, and eating leftovers, doesn't turkey taste better the second day, or is that just me? I may even break out the LOTR trilogy to pass the time. I know one thing for sure...I am not getting dressed today. I'm also not opening the door to visitors either so stop by tomorrow if you really want to see me.

  Like most women I know, I do all the preparations for the season. For weeks now I've been getting a little less sleep than normal and being out and about more than I would like. Christmas Eve I played Santa, wrapped gifts, and cooked. Yesterday I picked up gifts and cooked. Today? Today belongs to me and my laziness. There are tons of leftovers to be reheated. Let me nap on the sofa and snore. I deserve it.

  The only person getting my attention today is my dog. He can cuddle with me. He can share my treats. He alone will get me off the sofa just long enough to let him outside then back in a few minutes later. 

  Update: I started writing this early in the day. I stopped for a minute and found myself 12 hours later doing exactly what I said I would do. I've spent the day napping and watching Emma though I had to restart several episodes as I had slept through most of them. My hubby stepped in and kept us fed and chauffered. The kitchen is clean and some of the gifts have found their way to their final destination. He was busy and is now watching Jack Ryan with his feet up.

  I hope you spent your Boxing Day how you wanted. Whether it was shopping the sales, spending more time with family, or traveling I hope you had fun. And for those of you who like me chose to do nothing I hope you were as successful as me. Now it's time for bed...good night!


Sunday, 25 December 2022

Happy Holidays!

 It's finally here...finally!! All the shopping, wrapping, cooking, cleaning, decorating, and planning have led you here. The perfect holiday season is in your grasp! Christmas Day will be perfect. You can just feel it. Today will be your crowning glory. Oh the memories your friends, family, and children will have. 

  Ok now wake up. You were dreaming. There is no such thing as the "perfect" holiday. It does not exist. Someone will always drink too much or bring up politics. Kids will have meltdowns. Grandpa will say he doesn't understand pronouns and Aunt Lori will spill her red wine all over the cat. It's called life and it doesn't stop or care, that you are creating perfection.

  In a few years' time, no one will remember how beautiful the ribbon was draped on your tree. Or that the dip was in the shape of a tree. But you can bet money everyone will be laughing over the drunk cat being hosed down in the kitchen sink! And you've got years of reminding the kids, once they are teenagers, how they rolled around on the floor because they only got two candies while their brother got three. Life is the best memory maker of all. We need to remember that.

  Forget the idea of perfection. Spend extra time with your guests. Laugh more and worry less. Use paper plates if you want. Buy a pie. Box stuffing can be your new best friend. The season is about the people you love the most..and a few you can put up with once a year. The sooner you realize that the happier your holiday season will be!

  Merry whatever you happen to be celebrating! 


Friday, 23 December 2022

Stop Whining

 While I do try to stay as positive as I can for the entire holiday season I just read an article that stole the Christmas spirit from me and turned me into Ebenezer Scrooge! The news report says, I'm paraphrasing here, that poor public servants are being mandated back to their offices and it's causing them so much stress as they search for child care.

  The Canadian federal government employees have been working from home for two years. In fact, many during the start of the pandemic were at home unable to work but still collected their above-average salaries. One person, who makes upwards of $100K, went eight months without working because they said a reliable internet connection was not available to them. Miraculously once he was told he would have to go back into the office and work or be laid off a connection was available. Funny how that happens isn't it?

  So while these workers stayed home and did their job while looking after their children now they need help. And the whining has begun. As has a lawsuit challenging the order back into the office. We all know the feds will not make them come in five days a week. Most are looking at a minimum of two days. And no one believes there will not be leeway on a start date. Federal government workers have perks the rest of the workforce could only wish for. 

  But we do need to remember that grocery clerks, first responders, and front-line workers have been paying each and every week for child care. They received zero sympathies and not one lawsuit was filed. Let's say on average it cost $500 a month...not even remotely realistic I know... for childcare. That's a $12K savings on the part of the civil servants that all the others had to pay. Not to mention parking, gas, and maintenance on their vehicles. It all adds up! 

  If these government workers wonder why they are the butt of jokes they need to look no further than themselves. Do some research. Make some calls. Find a safe and happy place for your kiddies to play. Stop complaining about how hard done by you are. Just stop.


Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

 Remember that Sex & The City episode Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda? That phrase, from season 4 episode 11,  keeps jumping into my brain whene...