Prince William is a founder, supporter, and benefactor of a British charity known as Homewards UK. This noble group is trying to end homelessness in the UK. Their goal is "Demonstrating that together we can end homelessness - making it rare, brief and unrepeated." How is that for an objective! Yesterday the Prince of Wales pledged 3 million pounds from his foundation to get things rolling. Of course, naysayers are attacking him as throwing money at the problem leaving someone else to do the actual work. Those comments infuriated me.
People being "unhoused" is a problem all of us have to help with. Even those with lots of money like William. We can't attack someone who wants to be part of the solution. In this case, the POW can bring attention to the cause in a way most others cannot. He will spotlight needs and solutions as the press covers his every move. And come on 3 million pounds is nothing to sneeze at!
It used to bother me when Leonardo DiCaprio lectured us on environmental issues as he arrived on a private jet and commuted in a big SUV. Or Angelina Jolie talking about poverty in her designer clothes and expensive jewelry. I always wondered if they saw the hypocrisy in their words compared to their actions. Whether they do or not is irrelevant. They bring attention to the cause. Much-needed conversations take place because they showed up. Prince William is in that same category. And for the record, these things don't bother me quite so much anymore.
So many of us, myself included, sit back and do nothing about the issues we say we care so much about. Or we send a one-time donation. Then we sit back in our moral superiority and judge other people's actions. When in reality we should be getting off our asses and doing something about it. Voting for those who agree with us on issues, emailing our representatives, giving our time to said causes, and donating when and what we can are all positive steps.
Homelessness is a human problem. It's our brothers and sisters. Our school friends and military veterans fall victim to it. The mentally ill and the abused suffer most often. It's the educated and uneducated. Children are affected too. If we really care that much we all need to follow William's lead or stop judging him.
Keep showing up Prince William! Make your Grandma proud!