Mr. Al Pacino and his girlfriend Noor are having a baby! Isn't that wonderful news? A baby should always be celebrated, especially when it will be in a home filled with love. Like his friend Robert DeNiro, who welcomed his 7th child a few weeks back, Al is a little bit older than the average new father. The "average" age of fathers is 30 years and 9 months. Both of the men mentioned above have that number beaten by almost 50 years!
These babies are by no means the men's first child. DeNiro has five adult children and a tween...not to mention grandkids. Pacino has 3, all twenty-plus. And both men are with significantly younger women. Mr. DeNiro is 79 and his "rumored" girlfriend is estimated to be 45 or 46. Al Pacino is 83 while his latest baby momma is 29. I ask the age-old question...what do they have in common?
These highly successful actors have the financial means to look after their newborns forever. Children are expensive so their millions will come in handy. But raising kids isn't only about money. It's about time. Guidance. Kissing cuts. Reading bedtime stories. Soccer games and dance recitals. Giggles, nightmares, and snotty noses. And the harsh reality is these men have a very real possibility of dying sooner rather than later. Al Pacino will be 101 when his child graduates high school. DeNiro 97. Doesn't seem realistic to me that they will be around to see that walk across the stage.
I wrote earlier that all babies should be celebrated and I meant it. However, I believe these men are irresponsible and vain. These infants will read about their dads and watch their movies not sit and color with them or go on play dates to the park. They are robbing these children of their most precious resource...time with their father. They both should know better and do better.
Is that ageist? Maybe. Women get criticized for having babies in their forties. We hear that we are too old for late-night feedings and diaper rash. And that's at 45! Imagine what we would hear in our 70's! Oh wait most women are terrified of the thought of a baby in their late 40's let alone in their geriatric years.
Bottom line is no one would think this was wonderful if it was Grandpa Bob who was retired from the gas company. Or octogenarian Al who was a middle manager at the local grocery store. Creepy would be more like it. This is okay only because they are celebrities. We give them all a pass because of how they earn their fortunes. That's on us.
Remember just because you can doesn't mean you should.
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