"There's always something isn't there?" That is my Mom's favorite saying. In fact, I hear her say it every single time I speak to her on the phone. While I don't use it half as much as she uses hers, my go-to is "It could have been worse". That's what I have been saying to others about myself this week in record numbers. If I'm honest many times these past seven days I've murmured it to myself. Cause what happened last week could have been much, much worse!
The days are getting warmer and the sunshine makes me want to head outside. After fighting a flu/cold for four weeks I was ready to dip my toes in the sunshine and take my velcro dog Cricket for a walk. He was very excited when the harness came out! In hindsight too excited! As I stood on the top step, with my hand on the leash strap, he took off. And so did I. While he managed to stay on all fours I was not so lucky.
Long story short, I landed on my knee, twice, then my side on the concrete while he ran at the apparently threatening school bus. I knew I was hurt. Instantly. I couldn't get up by myself but with the help of a few neighbors, I hobbled into my house to ice my expanding knee. And man did it expand! I even had to take my capris off as they were cutting the circulation with the swelling.
After a long, painful thirty minutes I knew I needed an x-ray and a health care professional to take a peek. It only took five hours to be seen at Urgent Care, and no I am not being sarcastic I was the final patient of the day and very happy to be seen at all, to be told no ligaments were torn. But an x-ray was needed in the morning to check for a fracture. They gave me a "fast pass", yes like at Disney theme parks, for the morning and sent me home.
I couldn't maneuver the stairs but the sofa was comfy and we left early to get my x-ray. No fracture, nothing torn but an unbelievable amount of swelling and tightness. Trauma the doctor called it. A few meds for pain, a knee brace and cane, and directions to rest as much as possible for a few weeks. See? It could have been much worse!
That was a week ago. My entire leg is bruised and the knee is still swollen...itchy too and no matter how much I scratch it doesn't stop. Unexpectedly the bruising and swelling have gone down into my ankle and foot. Weird isn't it? Even my toes are bruised! There hasn't been much pain for a few days now. I sleep in my own bed using my handy cane to take the stairs slowly. Walking is easier and I even managed a shower! Hubby however won't leave the house with me. He's scared of what people will say to him and honestly, I can't blame him for that.
We are so wrapped up in our own worlds, which is perfectly normal, that sometimes we need to remember that things can always be worse. I've been confined to my house and my recliner. How lucky am I to have both? Lots do not. Having to give over the reins to my family...how lucky am I to be loved by people who will do it without complaint! Imagine what my week would have been like in a cast with no one to care for me or an extended hospital stay and surgery. I'm very thankful it wasn't worse.
Count your blessings people. Life can always be worse. And yes Mom there is always something!
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