According to the US Census Bureau, there are 47 males per every 100 females. Meaning women make up approximately 50.5% of the population. By a slim margin, women are the majority. Yet they have less rights than their male counterparts. Let that sink in.
Forget about therapeutic abortions for the sake of this conversation. Basic healthcare is being denied to half the population. A D&C, dilation and curettage with or without suction, is basic healthcare for women. In cases of miscarriage, this procedure can save the woman from infection, infertility, and death. Yet doctors can go to jail for performing it depending on the state. Oh and if your doctor decides not to because of fear of prison you might not be allowed to leave your state to have it done either. Not just your right to healthcare but your movements as well are controlled. Let that sink in.
If you have an ectopic pregnancy it cannot result in a healthy pregnancy. Again the procedure or medication to treat this will result in the ending of the pregnancy...a crime in many states. Doing nothing will almost guarantee the death of the mother. Doctors have to make a choice. It's out of your hands. Let that sink in.
A young girl barely 12 ends up pregnant from repeated sexual abuse. She is terrified, in shock, and damaged. She needs to heal both physically and mentally. A task that will take a lifetime. Yet people she doesn't know and doesn't trust have decided that carrying that fetus to term is the best thing for her. Let that sink in.
Imagine being raped and finding out you will be forced to give birth to your rapist's child. What happens to the woman's mental health over the next 36 weeks? What if after giving birth she abuses the child? You could understand if she hated this constant reminder of her violation. The government doesn't care what happens to the child after birth just that it's born. Let that sink in.
Okay so let's bring therapeutic abortion back into this. This one is simple. If you do not want to have one for whatever reason then do not have one. Your circumstances are not the same as everyone else's. You cannot decide for others based on your own morality or religion. It's simply not your business. Imagine if a stranger could decide things about your health without knowing one thing about your life or situation. I guarantee you wouldn't like it.
Being denied healthcare is wrong. Denial based solely on your ability to procreate is even worse. Women are more than their reproductive organs and should be treated based on their entire body not just their fallopian tubes.
One final thought...close your eyes, think of the situations I've just laid out for you, and think about how scared, confused, and angry those women would be. Now imagine that woman was you...or your daughter.
Let that sink in.
** I "borrowed" the final thought idea from John Grisham's spectacular book A Time To Kill because honestly, it's brilliant!" **
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