Friday, 31 August 2018
Big Picture
I know it's hard but sometimes people need to look at the big picture not just the snippet in front of them. Reading a headline instead of the article is commonplace. The reader then forms an opinion based on one or two sentences. That is no way to educate yourself on a topic.
With most people getting their news from the internet, it's easy to see how the headline is the eye catcher. We are so used to everything being instantaneous how can anyone be expected to read an entire article? The real problems begin when discussions are based on that one sentence with no idea what else is involved.
Someone I know, who claims to be well informed on most issues, is guilty of this. The opinions that are given are almost verbatim from the headline grabbing article. But just the first line or two. When the discussion progresses to facts my friend is left looking bewildered and foolish. Self-imposed but it's sad to witness.
Being well informed on any issue is work. Reading, researching and verifying is something most of us don't have the time or interest in doing. Unless it directly effects us we feel we need to know just the basics. And that is true. Unless we want to engage in heated conversation about the subject.
When discussing difficult subjects, we need to see the entire picture. Not just our opinion or feelings on it but the cold hard facts. Sometimes your ideas don't coincide with those facts. And that is perfectly an opinion.
Friday, 24 August 2018
People Watching
People watching is quite fun. Especially when it's at drop off at day camp or the parking lot of a hockey rink. Parents say some of the most ridiculous things to both their kids and each other. I've heard some that made me laugh out loud even when I probably shouldn't have.
My favorite was a parent telling the sixteen-year-old counselor that under no circumstances could she receive another call to pick up her child. Straight-faced, the young teen replied, "If she is vomiting we have no choice." To which the now extremely indignant mother spat out "What am I paying you for?"
An extremely well-dressed couple, in their ridiculously expensive car, are double parked in front of the rink entrance. He is dragging his teenage son's hockey bag out of the car, the son is texting, and complaining that there should be special parking for hockey parents. Or valet service his wife replies.
One elderly couple, getting out of a brand new BMW, complaining that there should be parking spots specifically for luxury cars. Now what made this so funny to me was where they were front of the discount grocery! It seemed like a ridiculous comment considering the location.
I am walking into Walmart. There are two huge doors. On the left is an Enter sign and the right one, Exit. Not one person going in, or out, using the proper one. Except me with my cart. An elderly lady gives me the evil eye and waits for me to move out of her way. All the while shaking her head at my stupidity.
When you are out and about this upcoming weekend look around. Watch people. Observe their interactions. How they speak to each other. Their body language. It's an unending reality show that is too good to miss.
But don't laugh at the absurdity. People don't like that. Not at all.
Monday, 20 August 2018
I'm Positive
I haven't written anything for quite a while. Mostly because everything I wanted to talk about was depressing, sad or angry. It was about injustice, the sanity of Trump or the intolerance of Baird and Kenney. And I was tired of all of it. With the never-ending news cycle, I found myself fixating on the bad and ignoring the good. But not today.
Sometimes it's difficult to see the flowers through the weeds. That doesn't mean they aren't there....just harder to find. It takes more focus and clearer vision. When you watch the news there is a sense of doom that is hard to shake no matter how pretty the flowers.
But today the pool is blue and the sun is shining. We are healthy, happy and safe. There is a roof over our heads and food in the fridge. Our bills are paid and our car will get us from point A to B safely. What more could we ask for?
From now on I promise to write about good things more so than bad. To temper the flow of negativity with bits and pieces of happiness taken from wherever I can. If I can't find any of my own then I will share my friends' happiness. The world has much more happiness than sadness in it. We need to always remember that.
It's time to start looking for it at every corner....starting with a huge congratulations to my wonderful friend Vince on his engagement!!!
Wednesday, 8 August 2018
An Early News Break
I've spent every day since coming home from Nova Scotia working. On the gardens, the weeds, the laundry, the basement, the pool etcetera etcetera etcetera. I'm now exhausted and ready for a vacation. A real one where we lie on a beach for a week and someone brings me a margarita every 30 minutes.
So while I may neglected my writing, I have been listening to the news and reading and I have a few thoughts on current events. Here goes....
Dear PM Trudeau, Let's use this "crisis" with Saudi Arabia as an opportunity to stop buying oil from them. Why don't we refine our own and sell it to ourselves? That way we can take care of our own and even sell a little to others. Would that really be a bad thing? Saudi Arabia takes in no refugees, doesn't help out much in U.N. missions and has awful human rights violations. It's time to move onwards and upwards.
Richard Gere is going to become a father again at 68. And people are celebrating. But Janet Jackson or Brigitte Nielson were vilified for being too old. This double standard is garbage. If you want to talk health risks that's one conversation but this idea that the women are being selfish because they won't be around as their kids grow up but it doesn't apply to older men is infuriating.
LeBron James opened a school for at-risk 3rd and 4th graders. Wow this little school has everything. A food pantry for families, tuition for college, books, meals and it's free. Free! And Trump called him dumb. I'll take the "dumb" guy every time thanks.
Speaking of Trump, he threw his kid under the bus. Forget what Jr. did for a moment. His Dad sacrificed him to save himself. That's either extreme tough love or narcissism at its purist. No matter it cannot help but foster a strained father/son relationship. A presidential pardon doesn't give you your reputation back. Oh wait his rep was pretty sketchy to begin with.
And in probably the best news this past week, Sir Patrick Stewart is returning to the small screen as, wait for it, Captain Jean Luc Picard! This makes me ridiculously happy. He was always my favorite of all the series. Fingers crossed this show is on Canadian tv.
Those are a few thoughts to start the day. Now where is that laundry basket?
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