Sunday, 10 February 2019

Sunday Morning Politics

  I've been trying not to write about US politics lately. Not good for my blood pressure if I'm to be honest. But this morning I feel adventuresome so I want to share a few things that I've seen and heard lately that make me either very happy or very confused. Mostly confused.

  Let's start with the positive...Cory Booker. Six or seven years ago I first heard about him and he had just moved into a housing project to see what his constituents had to deal with. It was a bold new approach and when the press spoke to him about it his answers were smart, honest and he had a plan. One he did follow through on. He was impressive then and even more so now. I've waited a long time to hear him say he was running. If I was able to I would donate to his campaign. My fingers are crossed he gets the nod.

  Which leads me to Elizabeth Warren. I like her but she needs to move on. I personally don't think she intentionally lied about her heritage. Like most of us, she believed the family folklore. And if this was a pre-Trump election it wouldn't matter in the least that she was wrong. But she would never be able to get past this faux pas simply because he won't let her. For whatever reason, nothing sticks to him but his relentless attacks and name calling work. Every time. Save your money Mrs. Warren and back my friend Cory.

  Who the hell does this Matthew Whitacker think he is? Talk about rude and disrespectful. He does know he's just the "acting" AG right? After that little performance Friday he better be filthy rich because he just proved himself unemployable as a lawyer. Which means he will be working for Trump very soon. I'm sure he will do well with Giuliani.

  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is everywhere in the news lately. She is definitely a different sort of Congress member. But she is inexperienced and that is showing. I'm not saying that will hurt her within her own party or supporters but it will give lots of ammunition to the Republicans and they will use it. Just the other day a bill she is co-sponsoring had a line in it that basically said we will help you whether you are able or willing to work. Most people are not for helping folks out who simply don't want to work. She needs an experienced team around her to help her focus her words and actions. Missteps or not she may be too socialist for the country at this time. Good luck to her. Keep shaking things up!

  Children are still being separated at the southern border and the numbers are higher than were ever reported. Trump is right about one thing that area is in crisis but it's a humanitarian one and he created it. It says a lot about a country and its policies if this happens. If this was happening in a Middle Eastern or African country the United States would have been the first to condemn it. It's wrong plain and simple. 

  Here in Canada, not much is happening politically. We don't tend to have the same scandals, uproars, and craziness of our southern neighbors. In Ontario, we have our own Trump-wanna-be in Doug Ford. He wants to make cuts to education and privatize healthcare. Both huge mistakes. His arrogance will be his downfall and I will rejoice when it happens.

  Having a political junky son means we talk about politics a lot in our home. He knows so much more than we do about what is going on. One day we will be voting for him! Hopefully so will you.


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