Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Stress Relief 101

  A few things are raising my blood pressure and I think if I get them off my chest I might not have a heart attack in my sleep tonight. Yes it's that high. So let's begin.....

  Another shooting at another school in the US today. I'm going to say this in a way everyone can understand. I'll use small words we all know the meaning of. The reason this keeps happening is GUNS. Yes, these people have been radicalized or are mentally ill or blah blah blah. But if there wasn't such easy access to guns this wouldn't happen on a weekly basis. GUNS. Period. 

  Joe Biden is on an apology tour for being in a few women's personal space. Not touching them. Not grabbing them. Not saying inappropriate things. Not sexual in any way, shape or form. Just being too close. Making at least two women feel uncomfortable. Ever ridden on a bus or subway during rush hour? That's being in someone's space. Sit in coach on a plane? Someone's space is being invaded. Holding someone's hand for a second too long or giving a hug to someone in pain? Not a problem. And if you are offended by that or uncomfortable....tell the person. Right then and there. Think about the intention and give the person a chance to understand what they have done wrong.

  Both Premier Ford and PM Trudeau got bad press for coming to the flooded areas in Ottawa this past week. They both were damned if they did and damned if they didn't. Were they a distraction? Of course they were. Did their visits bring extra attention to the devastation? Yup. But peoples anger over it is childish and foolish and needs to stop immediately. People are losing their homes. That is what should be the focus. Grow up.

  Measles is being reported in record-breaking numbers these past few months. Again an easy way to explain this situation....VACCINATE YOUR KIDS! Omg, it's so simple. So easy. Mothers in third world countries carry their kids miles and miles and miles to have them vaccinated. And we have parents who won't drive five minutes to have their children protected. Ask any doctor. Or nurse. Or Pharmacist. Ask me I'll tell you. Just get the damn needles. It's free for God's sake. Don't have a family doctor? Go to a clinic or Public Health. Call your MP or MPP and ask them where you can get it done. Just get them the needles.

  Finally, I'm so tired of hearing about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's soon to be born baby. Every baby is a blessing. Theirs is no more important than any other baby. Hard to believe I know but it's true. My kids? Just as important. Yours? Ditto. The world welcomes approximately 353,000 babies each day! Every day!! This one is no more and no less, important than any of the other 352,999. And we should remember that.

  I feel better already. Maybe I'll survive the night.


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