Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Keep Shining That Light Mr. Stewart

  On the morning of September 11, 2001, I was leaning against a railing talking to my boss as we prepared to open for business. We watched in horror as the first and then the second plane flew into the World Trade Towers in NYC. We watched the towers collapse and the people running away to safety. It was an unbelievable sight. One I will never forget.

  But through the chaos, one image stands out above all others. Police officers, firefighters, EMT's all running towards the buildings. Running! Towards the buildings! Stopping to help those in need along the way but still moving towards the center of the destruction. Not thinking about their own safety. Not concerned about the consequences. Running!

  For days, weeks and months they worked on the site. Sifting through the rubble to find any trace of the victims who died within the buildings. Long shifts in horrible conditions. All this time though the air quality is awful. Dust and asbestos debris floating in the air. Getting on their clothes and into their lungs. The exposure is excessive. 

  Fast forward eighteen years. Too many of these brave souls are battling cancers and lung diseases. Some of the cancers associated with asbestos take many years to develop. So while they are at their weakest, their most vulnerable the program that pays for all of these selfless heroes healthcare treatments is out of money. Bills are being denied. Claims unpaid. Adding stress to an already difficult situation. 

   Jon Stewart, who has been advocating for these men and women for years, goes and speaks to the US Congress. He shows up with many of those battling diseases that are directly caused by that day and its aftermath. Yet only five of the twenty members of the House Judiciary Committee bother to show up! Only five! It is beyond disrespectful. 

  Of the twenty members, all have repeatedly gone to 911 ceremonies. They have all said, "We must never forget". They have all tweeted about the great sacrifice of these men and women. Yet only five could bother showing up. And Jon Stewart was pissed. As he should have been.

  His speech was eloquent. He was moved to tears talking about the health issues facing these lifesavers. And he could not control his anger. Pointing and raising his voice. Telling those that did show up that their counterparts should be ashamed. All the time knowing they would not. 

  "They responded in five seconds. They did their jobs. With courage, grace, tenacity, humility.  Eighteen years later DO YOURS." -Jon Stewart

  **As I was getting ready to post this I just heard Congress passed a bill today with funding up til 2090 for the 911 rescuers. Better late than never.**


Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Travel Agent

  John said to me yesterday that he hadn't realized just how much work I do when it comes to our travels. He is traveling thru a few European countries with Riley and it's not going as smoothly as he would have liked. We do like our vacations to have a big element of spontaneity but I do my research beforehand too. Did he really think things just always worked out?

  When we decide on a destination I do a general search of the place and see what are the "must do's" then throw out a few suggestions to the family. Depending on the reception I dig a little deeper and check out prices and itineraries. Then I narrow down the choices and see the family reactions. We may do all or none but I am semi-prepared for anything.

  Did this all escape his attention? Apparently so. This afternoon I was checking train times, booking hotels and sending directions to his phone all from the comfort of my family room. And he was very happy I did. In fact, I helped them decide what to do and where. All part of my travel agency care I suppose. 

  Look I'm not tooting my own horn...well maybe a little. But it is nice to know that while my family may not see everything I do to make their vacays special they will no longer think all I do is pack and pay! 


Saturday, 8 June 2019

A Little Sass Is A Good Thing

    I tried and tried to be more positive and you know what it got me? Nothing written worth sharing and an increase in my blood pressure! So welcome back to the "little bit bitter and twisted" me. Trust me she is much more fun than the "trying to see the positive all the time" me. Now let's begin.... 

   We have just passed the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Imagine the bravery and perseverance needed to land on those beaches.  I can't even. Yet the GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said, and I quote "We should be celebrating our president". Imagine the bravery and perseverance needed to land on those beaches, Just the thought of comparing these brave heroes with a draft dodger is laughable at best and hugely disrespectful. The fact that she actually believes this tells me everything I would ever need to know about her. And it ain't pretty. Oh, and FYI....some other countries were there as well like Norway, Poland, New Zealand and us, Canada.

  John and Riley are in Europe doing the "War Tour" as we are referring to it. Today they are heading to Vimy and a small cemetery in rural Belgium where a great uncle was buried during WW1. We both think it very important to show the kids how our family fought, and in this case died, defending freedom. Our own and those of strangers. I can't wait for Riley to see how Canadians are respected and honored there. It will be a valuable lesson for a twelve-year-old.

  Alex and I are enjoying the peace and quiet that comes when two brothers are not fighting almost constantly. Though between work, school and his political responsibilities I could almost forget he isn't with them. We are, however, indulging in more take-out Chinese food than normal. I guess we have a weakness for eggrolls.

  Some straight white men in Boston applied for a permit to have a Straight Pride Parade...complete with a parade route. Now if this was on an episode of The Simpson's we could have a good laugh over it but sadly this is real life. There is even an "It's Great To Be Straight" t-shirt you can buy. This was reported the same week two gay women in London were beaten on a bus for being gay and refusing to kiss. Five teenagers have been arrested. Teenagers! I so thought that generation was past all the hate. I'm wrong again.

  Speaking of being wrong, just the other day I was chastised for my lack of parenting skills. I have raised two kind, socially responsible, polite kids and yet I have failed apparently. Parenting is the most difficult job any of us will ever have....even Sarah Sanders and KellyAnn Conway. Let's try to celebrate each other's successes no matter how small. And if you cannot do that then stop talking. Especially to me, I don't want to hear it.

  Well, I feel better now! Just a little sassiness today but tomorrow is a new day. Who knows what it will bring.


** Not sure exactly what I did to make this two colors but I've tried to fix it without success...twice. I'd apologize but there would be the sassiness gone **

Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

 Remember that Sex & The City episode Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda? That phrase, from season 4 episode 11,  keeps jumping into my brain whene...