Tuesday 10 September 2019

Me A Travel Agent?

  If you've read this blog more than once, you are aware I love to travel. I'll go just about anywhere at just about any time. I can go by plane, train, boat or automobile. I'm not fussy just as long as it's an adventure in a new environment. Who am I kidding...I'll go to the same place again and again if it's nice!

  One thing I like almost as much as traveling is planning my travel. I do tons of research on where to go, what to see, what to avoid. Then I figure out costs, schedules and whether to leave it on the go-to list. I enjoy the process almost as much as the actual trip. It's frustrating for some family members as I might be telling them about an adventure six months down the road as if they too should be excited like I am. Which, by the way, they are not.

  John has asked me several times over the past few years why I'm not doing it as a source of income. I've wondered it myself and now I am actively looking into it. I think I would love it...or hate it. What if I had a client who didn't realize a good deal when they saw it? Or was unrealistic with their expectations? Would I still find the joy in helping those folks plan their dream vacation? I can't be sure.

  I don't know if this will come to fruition. I hope so. Til then I can drive my family nuts with info on our next family get-away. Which is more than 180 days away. 

  They'll get over it.


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