Monday 23 September 2019


  It's finished. Over. Done. I'm beaten. Defeated. Done. You won. I lost. I say uncle. In all caps. Did I mention I'm done?

  No matter what you may call it.....agua, su, voda, eau or dad's my nemesis. Yes, I mean water. The scariest five letter word in my vocabulary. My ears hurt when they hear it and my throat constricts when trying to speak it. Just seeing it now causes my insides to curl. I can't speak for my hubby but if I was a betting person I'd put a few bucks on him agreeing with me 100%.

  I can't give you details, it's too late and I'm too defeated, but let's say it is another kick in the ass we didn't need! Just know that once again we were in the basement mopping up water and leaving a fan on overnight.

  I'm aware this is a first-world problem. In the grand scheme of things, it's unimportant and minor. But right now, at this second, it's yet one more set back in the decade of setbacks. And I'm done.

  I hate this house.


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