Wednesday 23 October 2019

Lesson Learned

  I made a mistake yesterday. It was a foolish one and I instantly hated myself for it. It's been a very long time since I fell prey to it but in a moment of weakness I gave in. You might have guessed it already...I responded to an internet troll. Huge mistake.

  We all know the phrase keyboard courage, some of you might even be guilty of it. Those who try to get a reaction out of total strangers by spewing venom out into the Twitterverse. Normally when one of these trolls comments on my post I ignore it. If a second comment appears and I give no response it's normally the end and they move on. But last night my better judgement disappeared and not only did I engage but I attacked back. Not very smart on my part.

  Once there was engagement the comments became more and more aggressive. I found myself defending an opinion that was neither controversial nor outlandish. Just my own and widely well-received. And each comment, both his and my own, angered me and made me want to respond even more. A vicious cycle that I can see clearly now. Not so much yesterday though.

  Most angering today is I know better. It's not the first time this has happened and I'm sure it won't be the last. My reaction to it was disappointing and I will think twice before I engage again but disappointing none the less. It's a weakness I need to work on.

  A few months ago a "friend" on social media attacked my opinion on a topic and was relentless to prove me wrong. Several times the phrase "your opinion is irrelevant" was stated. That is my red flag. No opinion is anything except your own and you are entitled to one. Telling me mine doesn't matter because yours is correct is arrogant and a little cruel. Especially to someone you consider a "friend". FYI...we are no longer friends.

  When we put our thoughts out into the social media universe we cannot control other people's reactions to our words. Only how we respond to theirs. From now on I'm not responding at all.




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