Sunday, 27 October 2019

Welcome Guests, Goodbye Dust

  Why is it our house is never so clean as when we have company coming to stay? Don't we deserve to live in the cleanliness we give to our visitors? Can I not admire a sparkling mirror or dust-free coffee table as well as my guests? The short answer.....nope!

  Today we have a very special house guest coming. And even the kids have taken notice. Both bedrooms have been cleaned and vacuumed. If you are the parent of a teenager or two you know that's a rarity. Sheets changed and dishes brought downstairs. It's a Christmas miracle! One that will last only as long as the visit does but I'll take it.

  We are all guilty of it. Even the meals we prepare are a little nicer with guests. Better presentation and we even tend to eat at the dining room table not standing around the island or in front of a tv somewhere. Like civilized people. Or a family that doesn't inhale their food as the kids argue and the parents continually telling them to stop.

  ......It's now three days later. I got sidetracked cleaning and didn't come back to finish writing. The house is still clean. Maybe even cleaner than Thursday. And while we are enjoying the cleanliness we are all aware that it is the visitor that is important NOT the lack of dust bunnies!


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