Monday, 30 December 2019

Looks Like We Made It

  Well we did it!!! We made it thru Christmas dinner with no muss or fuss. Just a relaxing meal with family and no harsh words. The kitchen was even spotless by the time we were ready for bed. That to me is a huge success. I hope yours went as well as ours. 

  Now we are in these weird days where we are not aware of what day of the week it is or what time of day. We walk around in a holiday coma and hope we make it thru to January 6 when all things go back to normal. When regular workdays and only three meals a day become the norm again. And wine becomes a glass with dinner, not something we start on at noon...or before.

  There is nothing wrong with celebrating the holidays however we want. Some times it does us all good to let our hair down and let loose a little. In fact, it might do some of us a world of good. But the little intermission of life must be treated as such...a little break and not a new lifestyle.

  Now as we make our way towards the new year we are reminded just how much mess our kids make and the amount they eat! And while they are nearly impossible to wake up for school they are up way too early during the break. With cries of " Mom can you drive me to" and "I'm bored can we" I'm ready for them to go back to school even if they aren't.

  It's the happiest time of the year for many of us. And the longest. I hope your holiday season, whatever you may celebrate, was a success. Not perfect but a time when memories were made. 

  Now off you a vegetable.


Friday, 20 December 2019

A Time of Giving

  Tis the season to be jolly or so the song says. If you've been to the grocery or the mall in the past few days you know that's a sham. There is very little in the way of happiness and joy going on outside of your home. There is, however, a lot of stress, anxiety, and unhappiness. Have we all missed the true way to celebrate during this time of year?

  The majority of us will spend too much money, eat and drink too much and not get enough sleep over the next two weeks. Tired, bloated and broke does not make us very merry people. Yet here we are...just like last year. And sadly probably next year too.

   When I was a kid I don't remember my parents being stressed. Yes we had no money and gifts were small and few but we always watched Charlie Brown's Christmas and the Grinch as a family. We piled in the car and drove around looking at lights. Boxing day we went visiting aunts and uncles and while the adults looked at the gifts, the kids went sledding and drank hot chocolate and ate cookies. The entire week was spent having fun and laughter was in the air. I wonder how many homes are lacking in both.

  Even now I remember how Charlie always came for dessert on Christmas day. He showed up as if on cue when Mom would put the apple pie on the table. He would have coffee or tea, a piece of pie and chat for about a half-hour then go home to Aunt Charlotte's turkey dinner. And my grandfather going to everyone's house to look at the trees and then play cards and eat leftover turkey and meat pies. Even though he didn't travel much with his wooden leg in the winter. Presents? Nope don't remember one. Aunt Jean's shortbread cookies with rum icing? You bet I do.

  Look I'm not saying giving gifts isn't important. Quite the opposite. I believe giving is the most important thing to do during this time of year. But not material things. Give yourself. Visit a widowed neighbor or call a relative you don't normally talk to. Invite friends over for dinner...hotdogs are just as okay as a fancy meal. Use last year's gift card and buy coffee for as many folks in line at Starbucks as you can. Singalong to the carols in the elevator and watch people smile. People remember these small gestures and enjoy them more than you know.

  Finally, I should add that while I say let's spend more time with those we enjoy and be less stressed and anxious, I know some won't be able to do just that. So if someone says no thank you to a party invite or a dinner, don't ask them why. Just say you will miss having them there and if they change their mind they are more than welcome. Or they call and cancel last minute. Don't add to their stress load by almost demanding a reason. No is enough any time of the year but it's especially enough this time of year. 

  I hope you find a way to do everything I suggested. I hope I do too!




Thursday, 12 December 2019

Daily Observations

  I've been perusing the news articles this morning and thought I should share a few observations. Some good. Some not so good. 

  The Republican Senators in the US have sold their souls to Trump. Lock stock and barrel. This man could actually walk into Times Square and shoot fifty people and these old, white politicians would say he did nothing wrong. Trump is who he is...a blowhard and a narcissist.  But these folks used to have some integrity. It is now 100% gone. They look foolish and hypocritical and I doubt the world will ever fully trust them again. Not the best way to finish your political career gentlemen. 

  A runner slapped a reporter on the butt during a race last weekend in Georgia while she was giving a live update. The look on this woman's face says it all. Shock, embarrassment, disbelief. Now this man has come forth and apologized saying he was "caught up in the moment". What the hell does that mean? If there weren't so many people would he have done something even worse? With the same excuse? His lawyer said he is "a loving husband and father". Well what a great role model you are for your children Dad and I would bet my life savings he will be hearing from his wife for a very long time about this incident. Men need to smarten the hell up. Fast.

  The Santa Clause has been voted the best holiday movie of all time. I can't believe it beat out It's A Wonderful Life or A Christmas Carol, my two personal favorites. A Charlie Brown Christmas was on the list though it's a tv show and pretty short. I still watch it every year at least once and will continue to do so. I was shocked though that Die Hard made the list. I have never seen it but apparently it takes place during Christmas and that's enough to classify it as a holiday movie. Oh well to each his own I suppose.

  A new report says every single Canadian will overspend on the holidays. Between food, drink and presents we will all be feeling the pinch come January. Are we all that irresponsible? Apparently so. We always do. And probably always will. January is always a little lean for us and we are okay with that.

  Andrew Scheer, the conservative leader, has announced he is stepping down as leader. After the last election it was inevitable I guess. Depending on your politics you might be dancing for joy or crying in your drink. My son does a fantastic impression of him so I guess he will have to find a new target. Good luck to you in your job search.

  That's the headlines of the morning. All the ones not impeachment related I should say. Or Meghan Markle. Or something about the Queen. Seriously I'm tired of all of it. Let's hear about Santa or some real-life do-good elves. Ohhh maybe a story about a stay-at-home blogger who wins the lottery. 

  A girl can dream can't she?




Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Realistic Holiday Advice

  As we come full swing into the holiday season I have a few things for you to consider. Hopefully, they will make the hectic stressful weeks to come a little easier. And maybe even a bit more enjoyable. Here goes...

  Your friends don't care if your house is spotless. As long as they have a place to sit and a clean glass for wine they are content. They aren't looking at the state of the floors or the dishes in the sink. What they are looking at is the smile on your face and the lights on the tree. Throwing a box of chocolates on the coffee table is an added bonus.

  Presents are not that important. You don't need something for every person who drops in. Even wine or candy can push your budget to the breaking point. Your hospitality and kindness are gifts enough for your family and true friends. Who knows they might be relieved you bought them nothing cause we never really know what shape other people's finances are in.

  Kids want to spend time with you. Period. Watching a movie, playing cards or a board game. Just your undivided attention for a bit of time. Show them that they are more important than anything else at the holidays and they will remember that longer than what gift they got.

  Store-bought cookies are just as good as homemade. Really they are. Put them on a nice platter and voila instant goodies. The same goes for dinner rolls, frozen veggies, and fruit platters taken home from the grocery. Hell if you can afford to have someone else cook your entire holiday meal...go for it! If anyone tries to shame you for it smile and tell them you chose to spend time with them over cooking. That should shut them up fast.

  You don't have to go to everything or really anything you are invited to. Nothing will happen. The world will go on. Some folks will miss seeing you but their party won't be ruined if you don't grace them with your presence. If you think it will be stressful or you would rather have a nap then stay home. Put on your pajamas and spend the time with your kids or spouse. I promise it's okay.

  Eating and drinking too much will be a fact of life. Don't beat yourself up for it. Keep some Pepto in the house and accept it. Self-help sites will tell you to eat something before you go and for the one or two of you who will do that, I'm happy for you. The rest of us, who are much more self-aware, will try every dip, sweet, chicken wing and cracker put before us. Whether we ate before we left home or not. Just make sure you have a designated driver or an Uber booked. Drinking and driving is the fastest way to ruin the season...and the year to come.

  Nothing will go perfectly. The kids will be cranky, Uncle Bob will drink too much and say something inappropriate or the furnace will stop working. You won't fit into your perfect holiday outfit or you'll forget the cranberries. Take a breath then laugh it off. If it's not a big deal to you it won't be to those around you. It's not as if you are the only person it has ever happened to. Every one of us has been through it. We all feel your pain.

   Finally, we only have so much time on this planet. Our holiday seasons are numbered. Spend them with those you love. Doing things you love. Anyone who has lost a loved one will tell you that nothing else really matters. I would never ask for another gift in my life if my Dad could be here with us this Christmas. Cherish your people while you can.


Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

 Remember that Sex & The City episode Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda? That phrase, from season 4 episode 11,  keeps jumping into my brain whene...