Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Happy New Year...part 2

    January 1, 2020....can you believe it? I hope everyone celebrated the beginning of both a new year and a new decade or the throwing out of a crappy one. Either way, I hope your celebration was fun. Mine certainly was. While this is normally the day of resolutions and promises, not to mention new gym memberships, I have none to make. Instead, I will try.

  Try to be a better parent every day. And if I stumble or all-out fail I will get up, brush myself off and try again. 

  Try not to be too hard on myself. When I inevitably do wrong or fail on my first attempt I will try to remember that one error does not make the person.

  Try not to let negative people in my life. There really are some nasty people out there and no matter who they are I don't need to be around them. I will try to avoid them and surround myself with those who bring something to the table not take away from it.

  Try to stop biting my tongue with those who constantly spew ideals I don't agree with. It might seem like I never do but half of my tongue is bitten off. I will try to be courteous as I tell them though that might be more difficult than I can manage.

  Try to spend more time with those I care about. More evenings spent laughing and talking about nothing. Coffee dates that lead to new memories. I will try to make my nearest and dearest do the same thing.

  Seems like a good way to start the new year...doesn't it. Here's to a year and decade of trying. Cheers everyone. 🥂🥂




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