Friday, 28 February 2020

News Flash

  Jane Fonda says no more plastic surgery for her. The 82-year-old is heralded for her bravery. Demi Lovato posts a picture of herself makeup-free. What a bold thing to do at 27! Supermodel Ashley Graham embraces her post-baby stretch marks. An inspiration to us all! Wait what???? Does anyone actually believe these are actions that are worthy to be praised and honored? No wonder women are messed up.

  The so-called news is filled with these types of stories. We inhale them. Who knows why. Are there are so many scary things going on in the world that we want to block it out with "fluff" stories? Wouldn't we be better off educated on what is going on in the real world? Obviously not.

  I get it. The news can both scare and depress us. Between coronavirus, politics, and unemployment rates there are enough real problems to keep us occupied. Wrinkles and stretch marks might be someone's idea of news but they need a reality check in my humble opinion. Real issues, real problems that need to be looked into and discussed need to be the headlines not this.

  All that being said...wrinkles and makeup-free pics might be important to Jane and Demi. That's ok because it is about them. You and I shouldn't care one iota about it. And if we feel the need to herald them over something let's try Ms. Fonda protesting for climate change every week or Ms. Lovato for helping others who are battling addiction as she is. Those are real things we could/should get behind. 

  Here's a news flash for everyone...I will not be getting any plastic surgery and almost every photo I post of myself on social media will be makeup-free. I know, I know I'm very brave. An inspiration. No autographs please :)



Sunday, 23 February 2020

Just A Little Crazy

  The sun is shining. The air is warm...ish. The new feeder is filled with seeds and nuts for all those birds adventurous enough to move around today. And a squirrel. One big, fat squirrel with a tail longer than a toddler's arm. Who at this moment looks like he wants to come through the patio door and attack me. And I'm not gonna lie he's annoying me.

  I'm not a bird watcher per se. But it's Sunday morning and I'm relaxing with the first coffee of the day and it's nice to see the red cardinals. They give me hope that winter cannot last forever. Little chickadees come behind them and eat the leftovers. Off in the distance, watching closely is that rodent. Waiting and plotting.

  This winter has seemed longer and colder than most in my recent memory. We are almost to the end of the historical "worst" month but that doesn't make me feel good about the month to come. I'm tired of snow and ice and of being cold.

  He's back. Sneaking along the snowbank. Climbing up the back of the trellis. Trying to blend in. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the feeder sway. Is it the wind? Is it him? Do I hunt for the water gun to shoo him away? Why aren't those birds scaring him away? What is wrong with them???

  I just took a moment to read what I wrote. I sound a little....crazy. This proves more than anything else that I need a vacation. A long one.



Friday, 7 February 2020

A Good Day For A Parent

  If you are the parent of a teenager you know they don't show much enthusiasm. By that I mean no matter what is going on in their mind their outer reaction is very blah. Very "whatever". Everything is ok not great just ok. So when you get a reaction, good or bad, you take notice and revel in it.

  Two days ago my oldest, who is at a political forum for youth, had one of those reactions. And boy did we sit up and take notice. I knew when he called something had happened. Something big. There was no pretense of calm. He was bouncing. He had won the lottery in his mind. What could possibly turn our teenager into an exuberant nonstop talker? He was going to speak in the House of Commons!

  Okay to you and I maybe that's not a bucket list item. To my was more than he could have dreamt possible. He was picking topics to speak about. Editing and reworking. Then fixing it some more. It must be perfect. Or better than perfect. This was important to him. As it should be.

  Yesterday he did it. He spoke in front of the people who make the laws and rules of our country. He gave his opinion on a subject dear to him and to many of us. A dream had come true for him. When he called to tell us how it went he was back to being his normal teenage self. It went "good". He was "ok" with it. Now he was going to hang out with his new friends. Approximately two minutes on the phone and he was off. An average teenager again.

  Enjoy the parenting moments when you can. Remember underneath that surly, sassy, sulky facade is the same engaged, inquisitive and awesome kid you haven't seen in a few years. They are still there. They just don't want you to know it. 




Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

 Remember that Sex & The City episode Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda? That phrase, from season 4 episode 11,  keeps jumping into my brain whene...