Wednesday 17 June 2020

Out Of Focus

  It's been 19 days since the last time I posted on this blog. I would like to say it's because there hasn't been much newsworthy to write about in the past almost three weeks but we all know that would be a lie. In fact, there has been so much going on I honestly can't sit down to write about one before another one pops onto the radar that seems more important.

  So what topic do I pick? The murder of Rayshard Brooks? Jagmeet Singh being removed from the HOC for calling another MP a racist? The ongoing BLM marches in the United States and around the world that are in week three? Maybe yet another entry on COVID19 and the mind boggling death tolls? John Bolton's soon to be released tell-all about the Trump White House? 

  Or perhaps it's Jessica Mulroney showing us what white privilege looks like when your best friend is a person of color? How about NFL owners, coaches, and top players finally speaking up about racism? Maybe Canada not getting a seat on the UN Security Council? What about Loblaws removing the extra pay for their employees due to this ongoing pandemic? 

  Top contenders would be what school will look like in the fall or how to successfully open daycares. Have we learned anything about our consumerism during these three months of isolation? Can more people work from home to help cut down on congestion in major cities? Is "stuff" worth more than a hug?

  See my point? I can't narrow it down to one thing and stick to it. Trust me I've tried. Even as I was writing this earlier I had another "squirrel" moment. It's too easy to be distracted because I cannot keep up with the ever-changing landscape of this time in history. 

  One thing is for sure. 2020 is going to be studied in the years ahead as a time when the entire world came to a standstill, except New Zealand (they had their shit together from the very beginning), and so many of us realized that racism and police brutality was more important to fight than a pandemic. 

  How's that for something to focus on?


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