Two years ago I received a Facebook message from a lady I had been chatting with for about a month. Her family was facing more stress and health issues than most of us deal with in a lifetime. With their plates overflowing they had made the difficult decision to rehome their 8-month-old puppy. And they had picked us!
Once they had agreed it was the best thing for all involved they wanted to move quickly. Just a few hours later this depressed woman arrived on our doorstep hauling food, toys, beds, treats, and the cutest little sheepadoodle you've ever seen!
Through tears, she told us his schedule, likes, and dislikes. She sat on the floor and hugged him. Then she hugged him again. We stood there watching the pain on her face. Not wanting to share our excitement and joy while she cried. I reassured her Cricket would be loved and well taken care of. She smiled, hugged him again and very quickly went out the door without looking back. It broke my heart to watch her sit in her car, trying to get herself together enough to drive.
Inside sitting in front of us was a very confused little pup. Who are you and where am I was surely going through his brain. He sat right where he was left for a very long time. No food. No water. No treats. That night we hoped his bed would bring him comfort but it did not. He cried most of the night calming down a little when I came downstairs and sat with him. I fell asleep patting him and woke up to find Alex laying on the other side of Cricket's bed covered by the dog's blanket.
Days two, three, and four were pretty rough. Cricket was scared and very sad. But each day he started responding more to us. He left the front door and walked into the kitchen. He would take a treat from us. On day five he wandered into the family room and sat on the floor by my feet. A week later he was on the sofa beside me. After a month he was asleep in the middle of my bed every night.
Two years later Cricket is such a big part of our daily lives we cannot remember what life was like without him. He still sleeps in my bed and follows me wherever I go. The trainer called him "velcro" cause he never leaves my side and follows me with his eyes constantly. He's gone from a smallish puppy to a whopping 70-pound hairball who never quite learned how to fetch but can give more love than any human I've ever met.
We are not "mom & dad" and we have two kids and a dog which people are shocked by. I buy toys weekly and he goes to puppy-care at least once a week to play. He is spoiled with treats and the occasional piece of cheese. Did I mention he is super cute?
Happy Gotcha Day Cricket!! I hope we make you as happy as you make us xox
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