Wednesday 4 April 2018

Money For Nothing

  Yesterday I lost a lot of money. A lot. I wasn't playing foolishly with my stocks. They are not risky per se. Yes all stocks carry some risk but these are fairly safe...til Donald Trump said he was going to start a trade war with China.

  Basic economics principals state that when world leaders speak, the stock market listens. Boy oh boy did it listen yesterday. If only as Canadians we weren't affected by the rantings of this man. But we all pay the price for his words. 

  Today the markets are taking another hit. Now that China has said they are going to impose tariffs on U.S. goods as well, here we go again. You cannot blame the Chinese government for hitting back. It was inevitable. And necessary. The world cannot let this tyrant get away with whatever random ideas pop into his head.

  This trade war is exactly what he spoke about during his campaign though. I'm not sure his base realized just what would happen to their nest egg if, or when, he did it. Well check it out today. See just how much damage was done. Do yourself a favor and sit down first.

  What scares me the most is this is just talk. Nothing has been implemented yet and already a panic set in. How will the markets react if he actually does it? And how will that change our retirement? Or yours?

  Already Canadians are dealing with increases in gas, hydro, groceries and other basic costs. We are all stretching our pennies to the limit. Making the tough decisions in daily life. Everyone hopes the golden years will be less financially stressful. A small light at the end of the tunnel for all of us.

  Hopefully my light bulb won't burn out!


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