Tuesday 6 November 2018

Not Your Average Mickey

  We are being tested. Not by our kids, our friends or family. Ok, maybe a little by our kids but not what I am talking about today. This house is seeing just how much resolve John and I have for living here. It is about to win. I can see a "for sale" sign in our future.

  First, there was water. Then more water. Then more water. Next came mice followed closely by, you guessed it, more water. Then mice, mice, and more mice. Then to keep the pattern going a bit more water and now more mice! Enough already. I'm not sure which of the two I hate more!

  These little bastards are relentless. A few years ago John crawled under the bay window and insulated. With that really hard spray foam. Nothing can penetrate it. For good measure, he also did the same from the inside out which at the time seemed a little overkill. All in the hopes of keeping these critters out. Well it wasn't! Guess what mice will do? They will eat through the foam. Even though it kills them. That's right it's poison to their little systems yet one after another they sacrifice themselves to find a way into my house! I'm not sure how many it took to dig the tunnel but I hope it was a lot!

  Don't lecture me on God's smallest creatures and everything has a purpose. These have none and even if they did I don't care. I just want to be able to lie in bed without the "snap" of a trap going off.  That can't be too much to ask for in my own home.

  As much as I hate the idea of sharing my home with them, they are slowly taking away what little sanity John has left. I swear to you he might not make it through this. He walks around mumbling to himself. Swearing mostly. Checking traps. Listening for snaps. All the time scratching his head trying to figure out where else they could be coming in. He might just be the first person committed for rodents.

  By the end of this week if they are still here the sign goes on the lawn. No need for agents, lawyers or inspections. Just come with whatever cash you have in your wallet and it's yours. We will even leave the furniture. We will be well and truly beaten.

  Apparently, we will be moving to New Zealand. They have a plan in place to eradicate the vermin by 2050.  Maybe they will be ahead of schedule! A girl can dream.



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