Friday 30 August 2019

Language Nonsense

   I woke up very early this morning to the sound of rain pounding on my open bedroom window. Perhaps I should have waited to read the news of the day because now I have an overwhelming need to rant and it's not even 6am!

  An Ottawa couple has been awarded twenty-one thousand dollars because the seat belt clamp on the Air Canada flight they were on was only in english and the french writing on the emergency exit wasn't the same size as the english lettering. Official Language Violations is the official reason. And in 2016 alone they filed 26 complaints with the Commissioner of Official Languages.

  Ok here's where my blood pressure raises. Cross into Quebec. Look around. How much English do you see? Chances are none. Not a word. Every single provincial government sign is only in french. And if you are lucky enough to find a business or company who has a bi-lingual sign it will be in tiny lettering that even my bifocals would have a problem with. But that's the law and one they take very seriously.

  Already we struggle daily here in Ottawa with the unfairness of what language you speak. More money goes to french schools. Doctors who only want to care for french patients. Jobs not available unless you can speak french at a level that is not reciprocated in english. People not able to work across the river because they must be from Quebec to work in certain jobs yet the same rule doesn't apply on this side. The list goes on and on and on.

  I wonder how many english speakers file charges about language violations? And when they do what is the success rate? This particular couple, whose language rights are apparently trampled on almost daily, live in an english speaking province. Ten minutes down the road and they could have 100% of their life in their mother tongue. Yet they don't. I wonder why that is.

  Twenty some times in three years this couple feels their rights were "violated". Is that real or is this just a money grab? And how much is this costing us the taxpayers? Does Air Canada now have to change all their seat belts clasps and if they do how much will that cost us extra the next time you and I fly? Air travel is so cheap to begin with!

  We have two official languages. I accept that. But one is definitely more important than the other here in Ottawa. And certainly in the federal government workplace. When it is used as a means for financial gain, either real or perceived, that makes me very angry. Especially when it is the same people over and over again. 

  I wonder if these are the same folks who were insulted over 7Up not having a french equivalent? Probably.



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