Friday 30 August 2019

Leave Them Kids Alone!

  We seem to forget that politicians are people. Human beings who have lives outsides of their very public jobs. They have family, friends, and children and they deal with problems and illnesses involving those same people. So why is it we feel it is okay to attack them in all aspects of their lives? What gives us that right?

  Tuesday PM Trudeau posted a picture of his children heading off to begin another school year on Twitter. Just like I, and all my friends, will next Tuesday when our kids go back. It was a cute photo and very non-political. So I was surprised that so many Canadians took it as an opportunity to criticize his job as Prime Minister. Well....maybe not that surprised.

  Parents are proud of their children. All of us. We take every chance we can get to show them off. And we certainly don't want people criticizing them or us in front of them. Justin Trudeau is no different. Yet some political trolls used this as a chance to comment negatively on his politics. And worse yet they used his kids in their hate. There is never a reason to use children as pawns. Never.

  Disagree with their policies. Try to convince others to your way of thinking. Don't vote for them. But be an adult and leave their young kids alone.




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