Tuesday 20 August 2019

Relaunching The Kernick Life!

  Once upon a time I started writing a little blog. A daily look into the life I am living and those who I share it with. It brought me great joy and a feeling of inner peace I had somehow lost in the hustle and bustle of a busy life. Most things I experienced I passed on. Sometimes funny. Sometimes in a rant. But always honest and from my point of view.

  I talked about politics and parenting. Traveling and renovating. Good experiences and bad. I was my own therapist in many ways. I tried to be respectful...even when angry. And I never responded when there was criticism about my opinion. Allowing those who disagreed to have their say as long as it was in a respectful manner. And boy did some of you have totally different ideas on subjects.

  But then I found I was monitoring myself a little too much. Writing and rewriting topics and making them as generic as possible. Not wanting to offend someone had taken the realness out of it for me. I was dancing around issues and never quite saying what I wanted to say. So I stopped writing. At first I felt relief that I was no longer censoring myself.  Then I started to get angry that I let other peoples feelings on topics take away the pleasure I was having when writing.

  So today I am forgetting about everyone else and just writing my thoughts and opinions. If you like them....wonderful. If you don't....not my problem. Just know they are mine and mine alone and while I mean no disrespect to anyone I cannot be responsible for yours.

   If you feel very strongly I would suggest perhaps starting your own blog.


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