Monday, 4 November 2019

Monday Morning Rant

  If every single person who whined and complained about Christmas decorations before Remembrance Day went to a cenotaph on November 11 imagine the crowds. Instead, they are pretending to be so indignant about whether someone puts up a tree in October. Hypocrites. You are all hypocrites.

  Those of you who find my decorations or lights offensive....stop talking to me. Unfriend me on Facebook. Don't follow me on Twitter or Instagram. Don't come to my house or call my phone. Until you fight for veterans' rights 365 days out of the year instead of showing false indignation for one, pretend like I no longer exist.

  Sounds harsh, doesn't it? I can tell you I know first hand the sacrifices soldiers have made and continue to make. I know well the nightmares and horrors that never went away for my uncle after returning from WW2. The stories he couldn't speak about because the human mind is not capable of processing such atrocities. Did he go through all of that so we could have the freedom to play Jingle Bells on November 3? Absolutely.

  I've heard the stories of ships being bombed and my father-in-law losing friends to the cold North Atlantic. He was lucky to survive. Yet I'm sure the screams and smells still are fresh in his mind. Again, experiencing unimaginable horrors that live in your soul forever. Did he go through all that so my kids could decorate a tree with their Grandmother in October? You betcha.

  In my own life, I have said goodbye to my husband on too many occasions to count. He's missed birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, funerals, name it he's been gone when it's happened. Not to mention spending days looking for a missing hiker who is found frozen to death or spending weeks taking what's left of a plane crash out of the ocean. He spent months watching children starve to death during a drought and those faces are still fresh in his memory years later.

  So when you are criticizing people for being excited about the upcoming holiday season ask yourself these questions... Am I honoring Veterans and their service every day of the year or just this particular day? Am I contacting my MP's to increase funding for VA and their programs? Am I compassionate and supportive of serving military members and their families throughout the year? 

  If the answer to any of these is no then do yourself a favor and stop being so judgemental towards others. Don't forget these brave men and women fought, and are fighting, for your freedom to live your life as you want. Without restrictions. You complaining and me decorating is exactly what they lost their lives over. Remember that. 

  And if you still are offended...ask a veteran. See what they say.


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