Friendship is hard to define. I have friends who I never see, rarely talk to, and view their lives from a distance through social media. Yet I know without a doubt that if I ran into Charmaine we would be chatting in seconds as if we saw each other the day before. Or Donna and I would be laughing over some stupid thing we did in our early 20's and how we desperately hope our kids don't ever find out! I never take for granted the fact that some people get me...cause many don't.
After a particularly rough year for us, I treasure my crew here more than words, and last night as we solved all our problems, laughed, cried, and broke a few things I looked at this group of incredible women and thought for the millionth time how lucky I am!!
When Isabella laughs we all laugh. She's got a show-stopping, contagious laugh. It is the sound of pure joy, disbelief and sarcasm rolled into one. I laugh with her without even knowing why. She laughs when most of us would cry. It's one of her superpowers. It leaves me feeling lighter and better equipped to see the absolute absurdity in life.
Jane is one of the most honest people you will ever meet. About her life, her beliefs, her moral compass. Yet she can challenge you without confrontation and agree to disagree. All while saying the wine she is pouring will give her a migraine and giggling.
Amal is our rock. She's the one who gives us her stability, her strength. We know what her reaction will be, unless she's not working the next day then all bets are off, to any conversation. And we take comfort in that. More than she could possibly imagine. And she's reading this saying "that's not true" but it is. And we love you for it.
Delilah is all of us rolled into one. She's conservative and liberal. She's strong and in need of a shoulder. She remembers everything and where it is. She's there for us 1000% of the time. Telling us to get up and blow our noses while passing the tissue box and wiping her eyes. Her trust in us to keep her secrets comes from knowing she remembers what the rest of us have forgotten!
Francessca is our mama bear. She makes sure not too much time passes between our therapy sessions. Checking in on us. Keeping us connected in our busy worlds. She's a real-life superhero who can just as easily make fun of us as she can jump in front of a train to protect us. She has our back, even when we are wrong, then calls us a dumb-ass later.
Kate gives us a different perspective on life having had a polar opposite upbringing than all of us. She's "old school" with a modern twist. She will discuss any topic without hesitation and surprise us with her changing ideas as her life changes. Like Francessca, she will defend us to the death while rolling her eyes about how crazy we are.
While not with us anymore, she moved to the coast not died, our dear Kelly was the one who brought us all together. The one who said I like smart, quirky, eclectic women so let's put them all in a room together and see what happens. If it wasn't for her we wouldn't be. Even though you are not in the room with us anymore you are in the room with us. Always!
And me well I'm the selfish one. I take each of the gifts these amazing, strong, beautiful women have and I use them. I use their strength and resilience when I feel overwhelmed and weighted down. I take their courage when I'm scared and their empathy when I can't see a way out. I guard their trust, their friendship, and their love like the crown jewels in the Tower of London.
If you are lucky you see your friends in mine. Treasure them. You've hit the jackpot!
**names have been changed so no one can steal my friends**