Thursday 22 December 2016

It's Finally Here!

  This is it. Today is the day. Months worth of planning comes down to this day. The hours spent analyzing and preparing will result in a day of perfect execution. It's vacation packing day!

  Ok so it won't go as planned. I'd bet money on it. Mostly because there wasn't much in the line of planning. Or analyzing. Or preparing for that matter. We always do this to ourselves. 

  In my defense though this is a busy time of year even without the extra work of vacation packing. I have bought, wrapped, shipped and delivered every single present. Every card that went out was signed by me. The tree and house were decorated by these two hands. Our party was prepared by me and I even found the energy to organize Riley's school Christmas party.

  I took a second to read what I've written. It sounds.....ungrateful. I am, after all, going on vacation. I'm leaving behind the cold and snow. I won't be cooking, cleaning or making lunches for two entire weeks. No shoveling, scraping the car or wearing layers upon layers of clothes. Instead it will be all about sunscreen and which pool to swim in. Perspective.

  Enough of the self's time to pack. Now where are my sandals????


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