Friday 30 December 2016

Vacation Notes

  Good morning everyone! Greetings from sunny Orlando! Another morning waking up to sunshine and blue skies. I love it! Even this damn cold can't take the smile off my face. Lindy, my beautiful artist neighbor, informed me that it snowed at home yesterday. Since we are here another week I'm oblivious.

  Christmas Day we checked into Daytona Beach and enjoyed the ocean for a few days. I forget sometimes how much I love just sitting and looking at it for hours on end. The water was warm....ish. We did get used to it and while I can't honestly say I swam in it, John and the boys did some bogey boarding in the waves.

  We arrived here in Orlando a few days ago. So far we have swam, shopped and slept. A theme park might be in the plans over the next few days but that is still under discussion. Disney Springs has changed so much since we were here last. The Marvel store was awesome. I'm such a geek sometimes.

  Yesterday was my birthday and it started with a visit to the doctor. Of course travel insurance is a must and remember to call your provider before going to the clinic as it makes life an awful lot easier. I've been suffering through some cold/sinus thing and the coughing is nuts. But happily my lungs are clear, as are Riley's, and we just need to suffer through it I guess. But what a way to start your birthday!

  We spent the day doing a little shopping. With the exchange things must really be a deal before I buy. While I saw plenty of things I would love to have, there weren't many things that I had to have. But today is a new day.

  It's time to start the day. There is sunshine to be enjoyed. 

  Now where did I put my sunglasses?


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