Thursday 1 December 2016


  At 5:30 this morning I was half way through my first coffee and had caught the overnight head lines on the news. I turned to John, who was eating protein pancakes, and asked a very serious many more days til vacation?

  It's December so we are in the home stretch for both the holiday season AND our family vacation! That means we, ok really just me, need to get ourselves organized and accomplish something. And fast. 

  Yesterday I went shopping. No success. I found lots of things I would like but little or nothing for the actual people I was shopping for. Isn't that always the case? I could have spent my entire holiday shopping budget on me in two stores or less. I'm finding it hard to buy for the grandparents who want absolutely nothing! Their words not mine. 

  Today I will try again but maybe on-line. I'm waiting for a few orders right now that are happily stuck at the border. Plus Alex's passport still hasn't arrived so I should hang around for the FedEx truck. 

  The "locals" are easy to buy for. Honestly they can wait. It's those gifts that need to be in the mail I'm panicking a little about. My disorganized life comes back to bite me in the ass every year at this time. With no one to blame but myself.

  Oh well time to make good on my promise to myself.....wish me luck.


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