Sunday 6 August 2017

Vacation Day #2

  I'm sitting beside the pool at a hotel in Halifax tonight watching the kids go for a late night, well semi-late, swim. We spent the day walking around some of our old haunts from when we were young and foolish. Boy things have changed here. A lot.

  The city is very different from when we lived here. Some good. Some bad. It's busier and much, much bigger. The new subdivisions of our day are now twenty years old and showing their age. Quickly being replaced by bigger houses with smaller yards.

  As we drive around we find ourselves a little lost, or rather confused, as new streets are branching off familiar ones. And then branching off yet again. More than once we found ourselves several streets over from where we thought we'd be. And more and more amazed at just how big the city has become.

  The waterfront has under gone just as many changes. In the process becoming more commercialized and even a little tacky. Tonight the blow up bouncy castles, at $3 a play, proved my point. But like most summer nights, the crowds are out which spells big bucks for the city and local businesses. Too bad the season is short.

  Tomorrow we are watching the Natal Day parade. The Marshall is none other than our favorite hockey teams captain Sidney Crosby who is from the local area. It also happens to be his birthday so it should be quite fun. This is the one thing Riley asked for when we discussed coming here. He's hoping for an autograph. Fingers crossed.

  It's time for sleep now. Walking for hours and the swim should guarantee everyone sleeps soundly. 

  And the spicy meal will guarantee me some crazy dreams!




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