Friday 25 August 2017

Reality Sucks!

  I've been home now for two entire days. And let me tell you one fact.....reality sucks! Why you may ask? Well because I came back to the kids fighting as soon as we pulled into the driveway. The laundry is piled up and the never ending cycle of dishes is in full swing. Add to that back to school shopping, which in the past has been my favorite thing, and you have one very tired person here.

  It's not as if I thought the laundry and dish fairy had taken up residence while I was gone but a girl can dream. And while the boys were far from perfect this past week, they were much better than they had been for a while. Obviously they have no intention of extending that streak!

  All I really was hoping for was a day, maybe two, where I could rest from the drive and enjoy the quiet of home. Nope not to be. Instead I walked into a time loop and it's the week before vacation all over again.

  I really can't, or rather shouldn't, complain. Lots of folks are not lucky enough to go away at all so I'm thankful. So enough whining and on to happier things.

  Hmmmmm I wonder if I could rent a laundry fairy? Just for a day or two....every week!


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