Monday 23 July 2018

Home Sweet Home

  I'm home. Those words bring me as much joy as the words "we are on vacation". Obviously for different reasons. As I sit at my dining room table, in my pajamas, drinking a second cup of coffee, happy in the fact that I'm not driving anywhere today, I'm happy and contented exactly where I am.

  We spent two weeks visiting family and friends on the east coast. While we didn't see everyone, not even close, we managed to get in a few people we haven't been able to see in years. Sometimes the get together was short and sweet....think Catherine, Hugh & Heather. Others daily for a week...think Vada, Henley & Lincoln.

  My aunt Mary was a quick chat in the grocery. Next year you are a sit-down visit I promise. Sharon & Charlie were a beer and lobster delivery. Mary Lou & Paul, Cindi, Joanne, JohnD & Myretta, Greg & Nicole, Gail & Danny, Marie & evening and brunch together for most of you. Both enjoyed immensely I should add. 

  Those of you we didn't see please remember....we wanted to see you all, however, the reality of life is time is short. And time goes faster when you are on vacation than normal time. But next year you will make the short list. We promise.

  We were able to visit twice our nephew who was in a horrific car accident 10 weeks ago. He is making progress albeit slowly. But every day is a miracle and we as a family are so happy that he is still with us. Matt keep fighting. There is light at the end of your journey that promises no more pain and back to your old self. Just with a bit more titanium!

  Now if someone would just come and do our vacation laundry.....


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