Monday 20 April 2020

Nova Scotia Strong

  Unlike any other place in Canada, Nova Scotia gives me a sense of security. A feeling that I am safe and no harm will come to me. Yesterday that image was shattered. Not just for me but for the majority of its citizens. For some unknown reason, a man decided to take the lives of sixteen innocent people. 

  We may never know why. Police will investigate every possibility in the months to come. Whatever they find out will bring little or no comfort to the families but perhaps will give some sense of closure. I sincerely hope so.

  Life is fleeting. These tragedies show us just how much so. If there is anything to be learned from this it should be that. Hug your children. Call your family. Love them even from a distance.

  One of the victims of this tragedy was a police officer. She made a decision 23 years ago to become one of those rare heroes who are willing to sacrifice their own lives to protect the rest of us. Constable Heidi Stevenson we thank you for your sacrifice. There are no words to express how much we honor you and your memory. 


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