Monday 28 November 2016

Politically Incorrect

  PM Trudeau is taking a hit in the press for his somewhat glowing eulogy for Fidel Castro, who died over the weekend. I can see their point. It was quite nice. Maybe he was going for that old adage about not speaking ill of the dead. Who knows.

  Then I saw and heard the commentary about President Obama's public response. He was taken to task as well for not being hard enough. Personally I didn't see anything wrong with his comments.

  Keep in mind the people of Cuba are still under a dictatorship. Raul is alive and well and firmly in control of the country. Canada has never cut ties with the country. Many Canadians travel there every year. And are treated as royalty I might add. So what exactly should our PM have said?

  Fidel Castro was a dictator. Period. He was responsible for many deaths. He restricted the freedoms of the people and imprisoned them for perceived dissent. Absolutely. Everyone knows those facts. But in the world of politics and diplomacy you can't say that. There is no polite way to. 

  If Canada is to continue to have good relations with Cuba then we need to be diplomatic and politically correct. Maybe just a little less "nice Canadian" next time around.


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