Sunday, 30 July 2017
Who Can Serve
It's been a long week but I'm happy to say we are the proud owners of a new laptop! I refuse to write on the iPad, which I use for everything else in life. I just don't like the look of the finished blog on there. Crazy or not there it is.
I've been waiting for the kids to get the newness out of their system so I could actually get my hands on this light up keyboard. Which is why I'm typing at 7:30 in the morning while drinking my first coffee of the day. Here goes....
Transgender people can not serve in the U.S. military in any capacity. WTH??? How can a person, who has never served in the military make the decision as to who is "fit" to serve their country? Then say it's because of medical costs? Especially when the Department of Defense was in the process of deciding whether they should pay for gender reassignment surgery or not. As that is the only "extra" cost, healthcare wise, to serving.
Unlike other countries, serving in the U.S. military is voluntary. When you think about how long they have been in Iraq and Afghanistan it's amazing anyone wants to join. Especially with no end in sight. Why would you limit those brave souls who want to?
People have been bringing up the millions of dollars the military spends on Viagra each year. Let's put that topic to bed right intentional pun for a not funny topic. Many soldiers dealing with PTSD are prescribed this drug for their overall health, mental, physical and sexual health, and it should not be used as an example of the military wasting funds.
The part of this story that got little or no coverage is the response from the DOD. That is what everyone should be talking about. They said no. We are not discriminating against men and women who want to join. If someone meets the set out qualifications then they are accepted and that isn't going to change.
Is it going to be easy for every transgender person in the armed forces? No chance. Because it's not easy for anyone. The training is hard. The work is hard. And the expectations are high. For everyone. Are they going to come up against bigotry, hate and ridicule? Sadly yes.
But I'd be willing to bet money that when lives are on the line, as long as you can protect each others backs, soldiers won't care.
Sunday, 23 July 2017
Do you have a university degree? If you do does that make you smarter than me? What if I have a Masters? Am I now better than you? You've got a PHD...well you are part of the elite. Does the amount of "schooling" you have make you smarter than others? Not in my humble opinion.
Education is based on many factors not just a piece of paper from a college or university. I know an older lady for example who had to leave school in grade four to help support her widowed mother. She has a love of politics and reads anything and everything on the subject. Ask her a question and I'd bet money she knows the answer just as well, or better than a professor who lectures on the subject.
I also have a friend who has a level of intelligence that is scary to us mere mortals. But who cannot figure out the PVR or how to change a windshield wiper. Both of which are life skills. Ask about the inner workings of the Hubble telescope though and you better be prepared for a long night...complete with diagrams.
Street smarts are extremely important too. As is excelling in social situations. Neither of which you can get a degree in. Some people are born with a sixth sense of how to get things done and how to behave. A natural instinct if you will. These people will succeed with or without higher education.
Living in a government town like Ottawa, people put way too much focus on university. The word trade is a swear word. That means you have a job, not a career. You are looked down upon in a way. Like you are just doing that til a real government job comes along.
Not everyone is meant to go to university. Not everyone should. Because no matter how much of an intellectual you are you still want someone to deliver your groceries, collect the garbage and fix your car.
Next time you go to turn your nose up at a trades person remember this...there is no such thing as an unemployed plumber.
Monday, 17 July 2017
All Joking Aside
This has been another fantastic week for U.S. late night talk show hosts....compliments of the Trump family. The jokes just write themselves. Between Russian meetings that were "forgotten" to Made In America week, the material is a comedians dream. And a country's nightmare.
Now I know I don't attend as many meetings as DJ Jr. but I'm 100% sure I would remember having a meeting with anyone who is Russian when my Dad is running for President. Especially when I'm filling out a security clearance! Oh and I have filled out one before and they ask you every single question known to man and then some.
The idea of buying local is a wonderful concept. It's harder to do than we think. Especially on a budget. But when Trump says it and almost everything that he sells is made in another country well.....the optics are disastrous. It made him look ridiculous. And one thing DJ Sr. doesn't want to be is ridiculed. Now he must sit through another 5 days of constant reminders that both Ivanka and he are hypocrites.
They say laughter heals the soul. But can it heal a country? I sure hope so with the health care bill they are trying to pass!
Friday, 14 July 2017
Welcome Babies
I am a Beyonce fan. Her music. Her dancing. Her videos. Love her. But...and don't go crazy people when I say this....she is a little needy. Maybe even a lot. The first pic of her new twins, Rumi and Sir Carter...I'll get to that later too....proves my point.
Every single person I know has shown off the first photos of their newborns with pride. And they should. A baby is a reason to celebrate life. Miss Bey is no different except the pride is in herself not the cute little bundles of joy. They look like accessories after the fact to me. Again don't go crazy on me.
Don't tell me she's an artist and this is her expressing herself. I don't buy it. This is another example of her skillfully crafted media presence. She is making sure, with only one photo, that she is the most talked about, shared, tweeted and googled person for the remainder of the week. That is pure genius. Self-promotion at its finest.
If you are going to release a picture of your children, which most celebrities are not, then controlling it yourself is smart. But make it a good one...of the kids! Oh and just in case you are not a mother or you are pregnant with your first right now, NO MOTHER LOOKS LIKE THAT a month after giving birth to twins who doesn't have a gazillion dollars!!! Not a one.
While I'm on the Bey train.....who the hell names their child Sir??!! Who?? There is a blatant arrogance to it. Next thing you know they will make people bow to him. I wouldn't think they would let you register a birth name like that. Yes, there are some names you cannot name your child according to different governments.
Babies are to be oohed and ahhed over. So should their mothers for carrying them and surviving childbirth. Congratulations Beyonce and Jay-Z you are blessed to have three healthy children. Never take that for granted.
Rumi is a nice name...I wonder if it's pronounced like the drink or the over sized sweater?
Thursday, 13 July 2017
Laundry Strain
I remember reading an article a few years back about why postal workers are more likely than most to inflict violence on their coworkers when they reach a breaking point. Research showed that because the mail never stops, ever, it plays with their brain. I think that's false and I can prove it with one simple little word......laundry.
Take a second and think about it. It never ends. Ever. No matter how many loads you do there is more. Spend an entire weekend washing, drying and folding? Monday morning it's back. Throw a duvet or a set of drapes in....ten towels will be waiting by the time they are done. It's like something out of the Twilight Zone.
Have you ever seen an empty laundry basket? Besides at the store you bought it at? Of course not. They don't exist. Take a full one into a room and empty it and by some weird act of nature, you will walk out with it half full again. Explain that one science!
Now think about how many people who are sick and tired of laundry inflict violence on random folks? None that I know of. Look I know that violence is never a laughing matter and this is all said in jest. But if I was to lose it over me it would be laundry.
This is, of course, a first world problem. We should be glad we have clothes to wash. Clean sheets to sleep on. And that we aren't hauling our things down to the river and beating them against the rocks.
Aunt June always reminds of that!
Wednesday, 12 July 2017
School Break Reality
I hear parents talk about how excited they are at the end of the school year. They talk of blissful days at the beach. Day trips to museums and spending quality time with their cherished children. No what I never hear? The truth.
The sad truth is siblings don't like each other. Sure maybe for short bursts of time or when out in public. But within the confines of your four's all out war. Yelling. Screaming. Fighting. Whining. Crying. And that's from the parents!
Don't tell me yours always get along. You are either a liar or in denial. Doesn't matter I don't want to hear it. Oh and don't give me the line "if that was my children..." especially if you have none of your own.
All kids are the same. They fight with their siblings. Every single one of them. It's one of the biggest challenges of parenting. I've told them repeatedly that one day they might actually end up as friends. That gave them three minutes of uncontrollable laughter where they were holding each other up. A small success I agree but when you are a parent you take whatever wins you can muster.
Summer break, if we are to be brutally honest, is awful and way too long....teachers please forgive me for that statement. It's filled with slamming doors, timeouts and frustrated parents who turn to the wine bottle more often than during the school year.
We are only in week two and already I've had enough. My throat is scratchy from fourteen days of vocal exercise. My blood pressure is five points above normal and my liquor cabinet is in need of a refill.
If you feel the need to tell me how this just isn't true in your world, save your breath. If this sounds like your daily routine, call me. I've got wine in the fridge.
Or tequila...I don't judge!
Tuesday, 11 July 2017
Water Woes
Having lived in Winnipeg, the flood capital of Canada, we know a lot about water. Watching many friends go through the yearly routine of flooding we had much sympathy for anyone and everyone who lived through the "spring thaw". We were not one of those unfortunate people.
Nope, we left after four years never having experienced one drop of water anywhere in the house. But as the saying goes....Karma is a bitch. We are now suffering from what I'm unaffectionately calling water fatigue in this house. If there is water involved...we've got a problem.
First, we had a flooded basement. Not a foot or anything but enough to remove flooring, drywall and require days and days of heaters. The insurance came and made us fill in the hole where the drains were. That fixed nothing as you will see.
Then came the next flood. Now this was more worrisome simply because we had "fixed" what the insurance people said was the problem. John never believed the hole was the issue so we proceeded to install a new weeping tile system. Trust me those things ain't cheap!
So we waited for the next big rain, to watch with glee as the basement stayed water free. Except it didn't. Again not much. In fact very little but too much to finally start finishing the basement for family use. Our nightmare fix was an inside french drain which meant lots and lots and lots of digging. And an insane amount of mud removal.
I won't bore you with the details. Let's just say there is a reason companies charge $13K for the job. We kept saying we saved ten thousand dollars over and over in our heads as we hauled bucket after bucket of mud upstairs.
Since then no water. Not a drop. Success finally! Only took five long years to say that. Then Sunday......the new outdoor hose is being mounted. Screw one goes into a wire. While checking for damage to said wire, sigh, cut wire which arcs. Entire wire replaced and new drywall on one wall. Damn water.
When you think nothing else water related can possibly happen....the pool has a hole in it. It's less than a month old. A hole. More water.
In the timeless words of the great Charlie Brown...."I can't stand it. I just can't stand it."
***I made up the title "flood capital of Canada. Winnipeg is a beautiful city and a great place to live even with the yearly flooding. ***
Monday, 3 July 2017
Thank You Ottawa City Police!!
I would imagine, and correct me if I'm wrong, police officers were damned if they did and damned if they didn't. Please remember I'm only talking about Canada Day security....I'm aware that different people have much different views on police conduct and some for very good reasons. But today I'm only focusing on the added security for Canada's 150th birthday celebrations in the nation's capital of Ottawa.
Folks are complaining and have been for the best part of a week now. If you live here, the earlier than normal street closures might have caught you off guard. The city's website did a great job of updating the closures and possible alternate routes. Each day the net was wider as the police staked their claim. All in an attempt to keep everyone safe on the big day.
Friday was a huge challenge getting around the downtown core but again keep in mind they were expecting half a million people to congregate in a small area 24 hours later. The logistics of keeping that many folks safe and secure are mind boggling. Saturday everyone needed to be searched before getting onto Parliament Hill. Every bag, stroller, cooler, chair and umbrella looked at. All for safety reasons.
People left because of huge lineups. Four and five hour wait times were mentioned. Did that surprise people? Apparently. Should they have been? Ummmm no. Did they think they were the only ones going? Obviously they did. There is no way to get tens of thousands of people through quickly if you want it done properly. None.
So the day ends without incident. No terrorist attack. No violence to speak of. The fireworks end the evening and all the people go back to their hotels and homes. People wake up the next day and what do they do? Not congratulate the police for keeping them safe. Nope, they were too busy complaining how it was a huge waste of time, money and effort because see...nothing happened.
Nothing happened because they planned. They started early. They drew their line in the sand and dug in. They searched everyone and everything that made it onto The Hill. You waited and in return, you got to enjoy your country's birthday celebration without worry or fear.
Thank you Ottawa City Police!!! For keeping those of us crazy enough to head downtown on July 1 safe.
** I am aware there was more security in place than just the local police force. It seems to me they are taking the brunt of the criticism so that's why I specifically mention them.**
Sunday, 2 July 2017
Canada 150
Canada is now officially 150 years old. A baby for a country. I am very proud to say we are world leaders in so many things. Our diversity, respect, equality, healthcare, standard of living, education. You name it we are always striving for better.
Our country is run by both sexes equally. The PM is a self-proclaimed feminist. And admits it with pride. We have equality for everyone and our laws are designed to protect that equality. We believe in dignity for all especially those who suffer the most.
We accept refugees with love, compassion, and respect. Our military shows the world how much we care and how strong and brave we truly are as a country. Countries all around the world aspire to be like us.
Canada is funny and has so much talent. Think Martin Short, Andrea Martin, and SNL would be nothing without us...yup Lorne Michaels is one of us. The two Ryans...Gosling and Reynolds are both proud Canadians. SATC's Samantha, the fabulous Kim Cattrall is from here too. Nickelback, Drake, Biebs, Shania Twain...and everyone the world over knows the name, Celine Dion. All home grown talent second to none.
I haven't even mentioned hockey, clean water or our humanitarian endeavors. Not the Rockies, real beer or cleanliness...both the country and us. Lobster, Cavendish Beach or The Forks in Winnipeg. Our lakes, northern lights or Mahone Bay. Not the Bluenose, Hopewell Rocks or West Edmonton Mall. The CN Tower, Stanley Park or Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah.
Stand proud. Sing loud. We have so much to be thankful for. And even more to be celebrated.
Happy birthday truly are the best country in the world!!
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