Sunday 2 July 2017

Canada 150

  Canada is now officially 150 years old. A baby for a country. I am very proud to say we are world leaders in so many things. Our diversity, respect, equality, healthcare, standard of living, education. You name it we are always striving for better. 

  Our country is run by both sexes equally. The PM is a self-proclaimed feminist. And admits it with pride. We have equality for everyone and our laws are designed to protect that equality. We believe in dignity for all especially those who suffer the most.

  We accept refugees with love, compassion, and respect. Our military shows the world how much we care and how strong and brave we truly are as a country. Countries all around the world aspire to be like us.

  Canada is funny and has so much talent. Think Martin Short, Andrea Martin, and SNL would be nothing without us...yup Lorne Michaels is one of us. The two Ryans...Gosling and Reynolds are both proud Canadians. SATC's Samantha, the fabulous Kim Cattrall is from here too. Nickelback, Drake, Biebs, Shania Twain...and everyone the world over knows the name, Celine Dion. All home grown talent second to none. 

  I haven't even mentioned hockey, clean water or our humanitarian endeavors. Not the Rockies, real beer or cleanliness...both the country and us. Lobster, Cavendish Beach or The Forks in Winnipeg. Our lakes, northern lights or Mahone Bay. Not the Bluenose, Hopewell Rocks or West Edmonton Mall. The CN Tower, Stanley Park or Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah. 

  Stand proud. Sing loud. We have so much to be thankful for. And even more to be celebrated.

  Happy birthday truly are the best country in the world!!


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