Thursday, 28 June 2018
Schools Out!
Today is the last day of school. Sigh......while I am happy to not have to crawl out of bed in the early hours of the morning and try to find something nutritious for my boys to eat, I am sad that they will have 68 days to argue and fight without interruption. Yes, I counted. Don't judge me.
I do owe a huge debt to the fine men and women who spend their days with my sons. Teaching them. Respecting their ideas. Listening. Helping them become the strong, decent, kind men we know they will be. Guiding them through the growing pains of adolescence when we are not there. It's a tough job being a teacher. And one of the most important ones.
This year Alex found a teacher who "got him". Quirks and all. This man intrigued him. Peaked his interest. Made him think outside the box again. That seems to be where he does his best work. So thank you, Mr. Longpre, for catching his attention and holding it. Well done.
Riley has always been lucky at this school with teachers. We never have reason to complain. They inspire him, challenge him and make him want to know more. Then show him how. Thank you Mme. Bergeron and Mrs. Frappier...we are so lucky to have you both.
Alex and Riley....your Dad and I are so proud of you and the effort you have put into this past school year. Not just in the marks you received but in the way you have grown over the past ten months. Your interests and abilities are changing and expanding and we couldn't be any prouder.
Happy summer vacation Alex and Riley!! Maybe they won't fight all summer.....oh who am I kidding.
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
Political Pride
When you turn on the news lately there isn't much to be proud of when it comes to politics. Daily insanity coming out of our southern neighbors, elections being hijacked and Brexit tearing the UK apart....they can make us believe the world is going downhill and fast. Once again Canada is the shining light we can be proud of.
Whether you are a Justin Trudeau fan or not you have to admit his handling of Trump is spot on. If it's possible to actually "handle" someone who's so politically unpredictable. Our PM has never wavered. We will do what is necessary to protect Canadian industry and it's workers. And we will do it with the same respect, honor, and dignity that we tackle every other international issue with. It's who we are. It's what we do.
In a shocking twist, all politicians are standing together in unity on this issue. Which is a little scary when you think about it. They all realized that this has little to do with Canada or our politics and everything to do with a bully trying to make us bend to his will. Even the normal political blame game has been kept to a minimum. It's been almost non-existent if I'm honest. On this one issue anyway. A silver lining in an ugly playbook.
As if that isn't enough, today the mayor of Ottawa, Jim Watson, very politely refused an invitation to the July 4th party being thrown here by the U.S. Ambassador to Canada. His reason? Simply haven't been very fair to us lately and I don't want to be a hypocrite. A very Canadian response. And in my opinion, the right one. Stand by your principles Mayor!
Right now we can be proud of our politicians for banding together and presenting a united front. Too bad we don't see it more often.
Tuesday, 19 June 2018
Uncle Bernie
When you think back to your childhood what are your clearest memories? Me, I remember Glenn Kelly having the rock fall on his finger at the brook and it almost being severed. Crossing to the sandbar between my Dad and Charlie to dig clams that Mom and Aunt Charlotte would cook on the beach on an old Coleman stove. Robbie Carr jabbing my leg with his pencil and the lead breaking off's still there btw.
Today the ones that are front and center in my mind are the summers spent in P.E.I. where my Uncle Bernie lived. It was my first glimpse of independence. He would go to work every day and we, being whoever else happened to be there that week, would watch Days of Our Lives and walk to the mall. At lunch, he would come home and drive us to the beach for the afternoon. Joining us after work for a swim. He always dove right in. Enjoying the coolness of the ocean while we would tentatively put our toes in.
Bernie never married or had children but he created a life that was the envy of many. If he enjoyed something he did it. He was a Big Brother for years. Umpired baseball games almost every evening. Made friends from all walks of life. He traveled within Canada especially the backroads. All the time singing. Made up songs or old, old, old ones. And they were all bad, all unbelievable and all very funny.
Just last week John and I took the kids for an ice cream cone and a drive. We passed a farmers field where the manure had just been spread. As I opened my mouth to tell them how this was Bernie's favorite thing to do to see who wouldn't be able to eat because of the smell, both boys said: "I know Mom this is what Uncle Bernie did to you as a kid.". I guess I've told them a time or two.
I remember when Riley was born. We asked Bernie to be his Godfather and without hesitation, he said: "I would be honored." Those words, just about the only ones in the phone call, stayed with me. He really was honored. You could hear it in his voice. Like him, we have lived most of our adult lives away from family and are overjoyed when we are thought of for family events.
Uncle Bernie died yesterday. And I told Mom it was hard to be sad for him because he lived his life to the fullest until he couldn't. The fact that a heart attack several years ago changed his quality of life in an instant was the real sadness for him. Not being able to do what he wanted, when he wanted, was certainly not the way he wanted to live his life. And certainly not the way I wanted him to.
Every time I see cold cuts in brown paper, hear the Carter Family or drive past a horse track (poor Donna still has scars and a little residual anger from a Summerside racetrack incident) I will smile. The smell of cow manure will make me laugh. Potatoes blossoming in the fields and seeing a purple house will bring him to mind. I will laugh about being able to write cheques as long as there are some in the book.
You may be gone Bernie but you will never be forgotten.
Should We Or Shouldn't We?
The past few days I've been seriously thinking about canceling my Christmas vacation. We have a house rented for a week in Orlando and then a cruise. But with the insanity that is going on in the U.S. with tariffs and comments about our Prime Minister, I'm not sure I want to spend my vacation dollars there.
Can Trump actually make me want to vacation anywhere but the U.S.? His rhetoric about Canada has changed the way we think about our neighbors. We are bunching them all in with their leader and while that's not fair what else can we do?
We have gone south in some fashion the past several years. Florida is a favorite for all of us. Between Disney, beaches and cheap cruises, it's a vacation we can all agree on. This year we are planning on a Universal visit and several days of relaxing by a pool out of the snow and cold of an Ottawa winter. Can we really let him take that away from us?
On average we spend $7500 on vacation per year. That is a pittance to the U.S. economy I know but if we multiply that by the amount of Canadians crossing the border each year wouldn't that make an impact? Especially to the touristy areas like Florida.
I hope I get over my doubts. I really do. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is calling me. Hopefully, the rest of the government will regain their sanity and make their leader see sense. Make him go back to treating allies like friends not enemies.
I won't hold my breath though.
Friday, 15 June 2018
Since Canada is a national security risk to the United States....yup apparently that is true....and new tariffs have been imposed on us, average Canadians have stopped buying products made in the U.S. While to some that might seem like a grain of sand in the ocean, don't we always tell our kids that one person can make a difference?
Over the past week or so both the President and some of his mouthpieces have attacked Canada and our Prime Minister. One going so far as to say there is "a special place in hell" for leaders who go against Trump. Talk about a complex. But let's look at what their neighbor to the north has done to them in the past. Besides burning down the White House.....
Well, we've fought beside them in World War 2 and the Korean Conflict. Not to mention Afghanistan. Our soldiers have died together fighting for democracy and freedom. That's not something your enemy normally does.
The days after 9/11 we took in thousands of American citizens who couldn't return home for security reasons. We fed them, housed them and gave them access to our computers and phones to keep in contact with their loved ones. One couple even had their wedding during those fear-filled days. Did we send you a bill? Nope. Would we do it again? Absolutely.
When there is a major storm our linesmen get in their trucks, cross the border and help restore power to your citizens. They work long hours in awful conditions to help because well that's who we are. Bad year for farmers and there isn't enough hay for the winter? Different trucks ship food for your cattle. Why? Because that's what good neighbors do.
We share our water, lumber, and maple syrup. Our fisheries, electricity and prescription drugs. We eat your produce, watch your tv shows and visit your theme parks. And yes we defend our dairy industry but one thing out of can that make us a threat?
Most importantly we know that this isn't the thought pattern of the citizens of the United States. This is your government. And not even all of them. This sits squarely on the shoulders of your leader. The schoolyard bully who writes a narrative filled with "alternate facts" and "fake news". A president who leads with his mouth, not his brain.
Like all good neighbors, we will be here to help the next time you need us. In spite of your leader.
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
A few days ago my nephew was in a car accident. A bad one. While he has a long road to recovery in front of him, there is, thankfully, a road. Two other people were not so fortunate. As my family deals with the on-going struggle ahead of him, our thoughts and prayers are with those other two families who are dealing with the unthinkable. There are no words.
But today I'm angry at the insensitivity of people and their use of social media to be "first". When I was a kid my Mom would call my aunt, who lived a few kilometers down the road, when an ambulance went by with lights flashing and sirens blaring. They could figure out where it was depending on whether it passed her house or not. She, in turn, would call her sister who lived farther down the road. They did this out of concern for family and friends who lived in between. It took quite a while to narrow the location down. Not anymore.
Now everyone has a cell phone. People drive past accidents or ambulances and take pictures and video. And with the invention of mobile data, those same images are on social media in seconds. Sometimes even before rescue teams arrive on the scene. People seem to feel the need to document what is happening not actually helping the situation. Is this what we have become?
A man famously videoed a woman being swept down a raging flood. He made no attempt to assist her. Just taped her fear, helplessness, and screams. Did he call 911? Nope, his phone was busy documenting it. Did he try to reassure her in any way? Nope that would ruin the audio. Did he put down the phone and try to save her? Nope he was too busy. Fortunately, there were people farther down the river who were real human beings and saved her. He did not video that though....not dramatic enough I suppose.
So this brings me back to the car accident on Sunday evening involving my nephew. There was a young girl involved. Her parents were made aware of the accident and their child's involvement in it on Facebook! OMG! Someone posted info about it, and who was involved, on social media. They then got in their car and arrived on the scene to see if it actually was true. Can you imagine their terror during that drive? Or the horror when they arrived? It's unfathomable.
Whoever this person was who posted the info wanted to be "first". To have people think "wow they are in the know". But what people really think is "you are an ass". Plain and simple. Who are you to spread unverified information and potentially devastate people's lives? What is missing in your life that you think this is okay? Where is your empathy? Your decency? Your humanity?
If you are one of those people who need to be "first"...grow up. Think about the families and friends before you post something. Put yourself in their shoes. Would you want to be told about a devastating situation on social media or from the mouth of a loved one?
In the age of social media, we need to use it as it was keep in touch with friends, family, and people with shared interests. Not to show how disrespectful and nasty we really are.
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
Hang On Ontario
Oh boy Ontario hold on tight it's going to be a bumpy ride! Last night we found out we will have a new premier, Doug Ford. Our own little Trumpish leader. It scares the crap out of me. Really it does.
Now I'm not anti-conservative as some people have suggested. If any of the other leadership candidates had defeated him a few months ago I wouldn't be writing the same blog. The others seemed...normal, dignified and in control. This guy reminds me of a Chris Farley skit from the 1990's. I could easily see Mr. Ford "living in a van down by the river". A little shout out to lifelong SNL fans.
Like Trump, he has said some things that make you go WTH? There are rumors of drug use and sales. His comments on healthcare, education, and libraries give me reason to pause. All of which, I will add, are not in line with the Conservative platform I've read about. His sister-in-law is suing him and claims he is running the family business into the ground. The list is long.
So once again, like I Trump, I ask....who voted for this guy?? Not who voted conservative but him specifically. Did people overlook the rantings in search of lower gas prices? Was it the promise of fixing hydro-rates, without a solid plan how to do it, that made folks forget his bigoted remarks about immigrants? I really do want to know.
Several years ago I had a discussion with a diehard conservative who continually told me that PM Harper wasn't able to do anything because he was leading a minority government. Just days later during the federal election, he was given a majority by voters. I said to the same person that now there was no excuse. A year later when things still weren't done my friend told me he was still being held up by others. It wasn't true then and it won't be true now. Premier Ford can pass any legislation, make any changes he sees fit...and while he can take the credit for all that goes well he must also take the criticism for what goes wrong.
No matter where you mark your "X" I hope you vote at every possible opportunity. It is a privilege that many in the world still do not have. One person can change the world. One vote can change a country.
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
What Will Today Bring?
What a week it's been and it's only Wednesday! This time of year we are busier than normal...why I couldn't tell you. I need a few extra hours every day just to keep up. It might just be laziness or age but I seem to be slowing down and smelling the roses more. That's got to be a bonus no matter the reason right?
Today my friend is becoming an organ donor. She is giving part of her liver and will save the life of someone she loves. How amazing is that??!! She has done it without hesitation even when it seemed she would have lifelong side effects. I'm blown away by her strength and courage.
At the same time, another friend has said her goodbyes to her mom. She was able to be there before she died to say whatever needed to be said. That's a blessing we should all hope to receive. Losing a parent is never easy but when you live far away from them I think it might be harder. Yet she is standing tall and doing what she needs to do. Her inner strength will help her through this difficult time.
We lost designer Kate Spade yesterday to suicide. First, let me say the details that were released I find extremely offensive. Her family, friends and loved ones do not need to have the details of her death note strewn across the news programs. Even in death, she is not afforded privacy. Nor is her family it seems. Say she died. Say how sad it is. Talk about the stigma of mental health issues. Put out suicide prevention hotline numbers. Let her family have the peace we all would want to have in such a trying time.
The Ontario provincial election is tomorrow. Finally! It seems like it's been going on for years. Premier Wynne has conceded she won't win and is trying to get Liberal voters to vote not for her own candidates but another party, trying to keep Doug Ford from becoming the leader. Will it work? Who knows. I just know that Ford reminds me of Trump and that is NEVER a good thing. Wynne did a bad job but all of a sudden knows how to fix everything. I don't know much about the NDP platform but I have an entire day to learn....that should be enough time.
Who knows what today will bring. It's only early. Maybe I'll win the lottery.
Monday, 4 June 2018
Who Will Be Served?
The U.S. Supreme Court has decided in favor of Colorado baker Jack Philips and his right to not make a wedding cake for a gay couple based on his religious beliefs. Many conservatives, who tend to be more religious than their liberal counterparts, are celebrating the ruling as proof that they are right in their bigotry. While liberals are talking about the "slippery slope" that this ruling may have started. But this outcome has me wondering what bigots will do now.
I'm sure there are many business owners who lie about why they can't provide a service. Rather than say it is because the client is gay or black or Muslim, they say they are too busy or unavailable on that date. Will this ruling give them the confidence to show their hatred and bigotry? Maybe. And would it be better if it was out in the open?
Personally, I would rather it be exposed to everyone. Put up a big sign letting your customers know. Then as a consumer, I can make an informed choice whether to give you my money or not. If the owners can have choices why shouldn't everyone else?
Using religion as a means to discriminate is nothing new. People have been taking something that is supposed to be about peace and loving our fellow man and using it to enslave, discriminate and hate. Believers pick and choose what they want to follow in any given religion. Always have and probably always will.
We all have the right to not do things. Whether it's baking a cake or filing a marriage license. But the price of that freedom is that we also have to suffer whatever consequences go along with those choices. For Mr. Philips that includes losing 40% of his business.
And in my humble opinion.....rightfully so.
Good Night = Good Morning
Ahhhh Monday. Another opportunity to start anew. To begin again. To...wait a second...exactly how much caffeine is in this coffee? More than normal you might guess. But it's not the java it's my new mattress!
After waaaaaay too many years, we have a new bed. Not just any bed either. A king size bed. An extra sixteen inches to stretch out in. To luxuriate in. Add bamboo sheets to the equation and what a night's sleep I had!
No sore back this morning. Shoulder feels good. Seven and a half hours of uninterrupted sleep. In fact, I don't think I even moved an inch. I didn't hear, or more importantly feel, John getting out of bed at 5. That's not common anyway but it's nice to know it won't be an issue.
Why did we wait so long? It seems ridiculous now. We talked about getting one for years. I even researched it. The price tag, while shocking, was never really the issue. Complacency? Maybe. Laziness? Probably. We are all guilty of putting things off we know we shouldn't.
Hopefully this is not a one-off. My fingers are crossed that tomorrow morning I will be just as energetic and rested. That this is the first of many years of satisfying sleep. Wouldn't that be wonderful!
I think I'll go read a book or watch some Netflix in my new bed....did I mention the mattress elevates? I may never leave it.
Friday, 1 June 2018
You Can't Bully Canada!
The world thinks of Canada as the nice country. Always there when you need them. Always doing the right thing. We don't fight with many instead we choose diplomacy and fairness to solve our problems. We treat others as we want to be treated. We are decent and we strive for equality and acceptance. That is until you do something that pisses us off. That's exactly what Donald Trump did yesterday.
Out of the blue he has decided to impose tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum. Thirty and ten percent respectively. The reason is so ludicrous even his own party is shaking their heads. National security is his reasoning. As if Canadian steel is a threat to the U.S. He has also decided to impose them on the EU and Mexico.
Just like those other countries, we said WTF???? What could his reasoning be? Well it could just be he woke up and his Canadian bacon was too crispy so he thought....I'll show them. His pattern of thought is nonsensical. No one can predict what he will say or do from one day to the next.
So now he gets to see Canada's resolve. We don't back down to bullies. And that is exactly what he is. The Prime Minister released a list of items that will now have a tariff. Not only steel and aluminum but a whole range of goods. The response was so quick it's almost as if they knew this could one day happen.
Keep in mind these new tariffs, on both sides, will hurt the average person. No company will absorb those extra costs. Nope, they will pass them on to you and me. Normally this would bother me but not this time. Canada needs to show Trump we are not scared of him or his tactics. That we can, and will, fight back just as hard. Bullies must be stood up to.
Let me be clear. This is not about the United States. This is not about Canada. This isn't even really about politics. It is about a man who does whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Consequences be damned. Even when it hurts his own base, party, and country.
Isn't that the definition of a dictator?
***Conservative leader Andrew Scheer tried yesterday to make this a failure for PM Trudeau. It is not. NO leader of ANY country can ever predict or stop this President from doing whatever he wants. Stop trying to score points on something that you couldn't have stopped either. Voters hate that.***
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