Monday 4 June 2018

Good Night = Good Morning

  Ahhhh Monday. Another opportunity to start anew. To begin again. To...wait a second...exactly how much caffeine is in this coffee? More than normal you might guess. But it's not the java it's my new mattress!

  After waaaaaay too many years, we have a new bed. Not just any bed either. A king size bed. An extra sixteen inches to stretch out in. To luxuriate in. Add bamboo sheets to the equation and what a night's sleep I had!

  No sore back this morning. Shoulder feels good. Seven and a half hours of uninterrupted sleep. In fact, I don't think I even moved an inch. I didn't hear, or more importantly feel, John getting out of bed at 5. That's not common anyway but it's nice to know it won't be an issue. 

  Why did we wait so long? It seems ridiculous now. We talked about getting one for years. I even researched it. The price tag, while shocking, was never really the issue.  Complacency? Maybe. Laziness? Probably. We are all guilty of putting things off we know we shouldn't. 

  Hopefully this is not a one-off. My fingers are crossed that tomorrow morning I will be just as energetic and rested. That this is the first of many years of satisfying sleep. Wouldn't that be wonderful!

  I think I'll go read a book or watch some Netflix in my new bed....did I mention the mattress elevates? I may never leave it.


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