Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Bye Bye Resolution

  Every December 31st millions of people make a resolution or two. Most talk about getting in better shape or quitting smoking. Some resolve to be more positive or to step out of their comfort zone. Me I pledged one thing and one thing only. It's the same as last year and the year before. And just like previous years, I have failed already. Actually, I failed much earlier than today but I'm only now willing to concede.

  My New Years Resolution was to get the boys better organized. The early morning runs to the bus and the dash to the laundry room for half dried socks was going to end. No more unsigned papers and certainly no hastily thrown together peanut butter sandwich to be inhaled on the way to the bus. Nope, those days were going to become a thing of the past. Sigh and yet after five unsuccessful attempts to have a smooth flowing morning I declare I am defeated.

  I am/was defeated by my own children. They are 100% to blame for my failure. I could use the excuse they are not morning people or slow morning movers but that would be a lie.  Both choose other things over getting dressed or eating breakfast. They would rather watch YouTube videos about politics or Fortnight than make sure everything is in their backpacks or that they have something to eat for lunch. Anything else wins over getting out the door at a reasonable time to catch the bus.

  Take this morning for example. Both boys were up with time to spare. Alex had no less than 46 minutes to get to the bus stop. Yet he left with no breakfast and was sprinting as he went out the door. Riley was even worse. He had one hour and forty minutes and he was still leaving at the last second with no gloves on and complaining that he didn't know where his laptop was.

  I've never professed to be a morning person. I move slowly because I'm not going anywhere early. But the odd time I am you can bet I'm moving a lot faster than both of my kids combined. Of course I've had a good shot of coffee to give me a kick in the butt.

  I take partial responsibility for the chaos. I know I should have taught them years ago to be better organized. I'm also willing to say we should have implemented a no electronics in the morning rule from the beginning. Hindsight, being 20/20, doesn't help me much. 

  But as my dear friend and parenting guru Janet keeps reminding me...The chaos will pass and the house will be quiet. Then you will miss that noise so enjoy it while you can.

  That's exactly what I'm going to do. Resolution be damned.


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