Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Tuesday Musings

  I've been busy these past few days finishing up a major renovation to the family room and couldn't find a few spare moments to write. So while I'm enjoying the first cup of coffee of the day I thought I'd jot down a few things that I was shaking my head about while working.

  Prince Philip is driving at 97??? WTH? How come his children and grandkids haven't stepped in and said: "I'll drive you". Or even a "You are not driving anywhere" statement. He is too old to have the necessary reflexes for driving. There I said it. Call me ageist if you must but you know it's true. He has access to a driver, taxi, bus or even an Uber. Why is he putting other people at risk?

  Imagine having a coveted government job. Good pay. Good benefits. Paid vacation. And then one day being told that the government is shutting down but you are so essential you must continue doing your work because the country just can't live without you. But you won't get paid. Let that sink in. You don't get paid. Those who decided a shutdown was necessary get paid...but not you. I don't care what political party you support, you will begin, very quickly, to hate whoever is in power. And you should. 

  The school bus company sent out warnings not to let your kids wait outside too long for the bus in this extreme cold. No more than a few minutes was recommended. Mine has to walk to the next street so what was he supposed to do when his bus was thirty minutes late? Oh, and your website said it was only going to be ten. You should have canceled the buses. Period. 

  VP Mike Pence tried to compare Donald Trump...I can't actually believe I am writing this...to Dr. Martin Luther King. WTH???? There is absolutely, 100% NOTHING comparable between these two. Enough said on that topic.

  Twenty-six people are as rich as half the worlds population combined. Unbelievable. Imagine what you could do with unlimited funds. The people you could help. The changes you could make. Do these filthy rich folks do all of that I wonder? Most do I'm sure but obviously not enough.

  My coffee has been reheated and finally drank. It's time to face the day and get moving. Maybe I'll buy plane tickets. You never know.




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