Thursday 31 January 2019


  By all accounts, this January has lasted approximately 194 days. And those days were cold. Bitter cold. With windchills that would make a polar bear shiver. Add 100 cms, or three feet, of snow to that and it made for one challenging month. For old and young alike.

  Canadian winters are never easy but I have to admit the older I get the harder they seem. Right now we are experiencing a "polar vortex". I read the definition of it and let me translate it for's too cold for anything that breathes to be outside. 

  My heart aches for homeless people as they try to stay warm after a night in a shelter. Hopefully businesses will have empathy and allow these people to come in from the cold and warm up. There is a housing shortage in our city and I'm sure it's not the only one. These cold nights can easily kill our most vulnerable and we really need to help them long term.

  Everyday things seem more difficult and I find myself putting off things when I shouldn't. Like groceries or getting gas. There is no appeal to pumping gas at -30 and even less to buy groceries when the kids are able to have food delivered 24/7.

  Try to stay warm wherever you are. Limit your exposure. If you can stay home do. Don't worry about pretty worry about frostbite. And remember...binge watching Netflix in these temps is a must.


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