Friday 31 March 2017


  A week has passed since my last entry and it's not because I was too busy to write. Rather it was everything I wanted to talk about I felt I couldn't, or shouldn't, share with all of you. Not necessarily my story to tell. 

  Life isn't always sunshine and unicorns. We must live through sad times in order to appreciate the happy ones....or so I've read. I'm not sure I believe that. But I will say my outlook on happiness changed when my Dad died. So maybe I do believe it a little. 

  Trying to write positive things when dealing with devastating news is hard. Whether it's in your own life, a family member's, or in the world around us. It's hard to be upbeat when you see how unfair and cruel the world can really be.

  Take a moment today to count your blessings. No matter how small. A seat on the bus, a child who eats all their vegetables at dinner or a five dollar bill found at the bottom of your coat pocket. Realize life could be much worse.

  And that for some it already is.




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