Tuesday 21 March 2017

Coffee Please

  Reality sucks! There I said it. The alarm going off at 6:15. Yelling constantly up the stairs trying to get Alex moving. Making lunches that I am unprepared for. More yelling...this time about teeth. Wrap this all up in a bow, without coffee and you've got one hell of a morning!

  This is the vacation hangover I experience every time. My kids are not really morning people but that is to be expected with me as their mother. But the first few days are definitely the biggest challenge. For all of us. 

  Yesterday Alex was home sick...payment for a week of unhealthy food and beverages. That means today is groceries, paying bills and laundry. Finding a place for all the things we bought too which happily wasn't much. A challenge none the less though.

  Time to get moving. Coffee won't buy itself.


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