Friday 1 September 2017

Last of the Free Days

  Backpacks are filled. Pencil cases are crammed full of newly sharpened lead, and colored, pencils. Binders have been emptied and refilled with lined paper just waiting to be written on. Calculators, rulers, erasures and pens are in assorted zippered compartments. New sneakers have been broken in. Let the new school year begin!

  Though they would never admit it, the boys are ready to go back. The lazy days of summer are fading and now they are longing for some time away from me, this house, and most importantly, each other! They need to see their friends and make new ones. Their brains need more stimulation than any video game can provide. They are ready.

  I too am ready. My brain longs for quiet stretches where I'm not refereeing a fight or figuring out who started what. An opportunity to get things done without interruption. To purge their rooms without complaint. To listen to the quiet. It brings me joy just thinking about it.

  This Labour Day weekend will be the last bit of freedom they have for another year. They will sleep in and stay up late. They will complain about Tuesday and their lack of freedom. But secretly they will be on pins and needles. Excited to see what the new year will bring.

  I won't be so discreet!



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