Monday, 25 September 2017

The Flu

  Tuesday night I went to bed a bit later than normal for a school night but feeling good. I woke up Wednesday morning with the flu. And a bad one. The entire day I could do nothing but sleep. Oh yeah and blow my nose.

  By the early evening I was cold, hot and shaky. I was coughing and my nose was running. And I was grey. That's how John described me. It took all my energy to make it to the bathroom to get cold water for the cloth on my forehead. I was feeling worse and my Warner sinuses were not helping at all. John brought me juice and more tissues. Sleep was my best friend.

  Thursday proved to be an even bigger challenge when my body decided the only way to clear my lungs was that ugly cough that hurts and makes your throat raw. My cough medicine of choice did nothing. Except make me cough more. I was another level of miserable. And because I was almost non-stop coughing, sleep never came. It was impossible to elevate myself high enough to get any relief.

  Friday morning John stayed home to take Alex to an orthodontic appointment. I managed to get downstairs and was upright long enough to hard boil some eggs....though I did need to take them upstairs to eat. After work my friend brought me some soup and I felt I would live since I was able to eat twice in one day. It's the simple things I guess.

  Saturday was a challenge after another night of interrupted sleep. My cough was worse and still sleep eluded me. But I managed to rest which is almost as good. That night I got a full uninterrupted 8 hours! While I still coughed periodically, Sunday was much better. I was tired but on the mend. 

  This morning I awoke to no sinus headache and less coughing. My throat is only a little bit sore and while I won't have a cup of hot coffee, I might manage a warm tea later. I'm not hot or cold. My bones no longer ache. I am over the worst. I will live.

  John, Alex and Riley all stepped up while I was ill. In fact they went above and beyond. The house is clean. Groceries are bought. Laundry washed, dried and put away. John even painted the dining room and kitchen! Alex cooked most meals and made school lunches. Riley got his own lunches too and caught the bus every day. They need me less and less. What a wonderful feeling to know they are independent enough to take on what has to be done.

  Maybe I need to get sick more often!



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