Tuesday 12 September 2017

Same Drawer Different Day

  A few days ago I wrote how I was going to start the new school year off by becoming more organized. Starting with the utensils drawer. It's now three days later and as I'm emptying the dishwasher this morning I realize I didn't clean it out! One job I gave myself. I failed. Just like last year and the year before. Is it a sign?

  Yes it's a sign. A signal from the organization gods that I am meant to try again. And to keep trying til I succeed. That is the message I'm taking from this revelation. We have a tendency to be too hard on ourselves...especially women. In the big scheme of things does it matter if the tongs and vegetable peelers are intermingled? Of course not and I have much more important things to think about, or do, in the course of a day. Perspective. I love that word.

  Some of my friends are very organized. Ask them where (insert any item here) is and they can tell you exactly where to look. Same question posed to me? Well that might take a few extra trips to various rooms of the house. Sooner or later I will find it. Maybe. And I'm okay with that, most of the time.

  Today I will do whatever I can in my ongoing journey to organization. I just won't name what that should be. 

  But I really hope it's that utensil drawer!


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